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***Kory's Pov***

As I hop off the treadmill at gym, I grab my water bottle and towel and start walking to the changing rooms. Half way there I feel arms wrap around my waist and I immediately tense.

Instead of turning around and punching the person, I look down and see caramel arms with a tattoo that I immediately recognize.

A smile quickly makes its way to my face as turn I around and throw my arms around the person's neck.

A soft chuckle comes from the person as I pull away and examine him. It's been four years since I waved good bye to him as he climbed onto the plane.

"I thought you were only going to be back in like two more years!" I exclaim.
"Oh so you don't wanna see your best friend? One that you haven't seen in four years? Oh ok I see how it is."

I laugh him off and reply," Oh get over yourself Jordan. I meant I thought you were going to be studying for six years not four you moron."

"Oh yeah well the studies went fast and I decided to come back to the US."
He replied.
"Where's Sean? Did he not come back with you?"

"I'm right here." a new body appeared holding his arms wide open.
"Seanie!!!!" I shouted as I ran into his arms.
(A/N: Seanie- pronounced shore - ny)

"Damn I never got that reaction from you. Wow I'm so loved." Jordan complained,  faking hurt.
Rolling my eyes I hug him again. Instinctively he hugs me back.

"Can I go get changed before Christmas?" I ask when he doesn't pull back.

"But you I haven't seen you in such a long time and I missed you. Sean is guilty of this too, he's just a wuss because of your sweaty state." he whines. Sean merely shrugs and takes out his hand sanitizer.

"Oh whatever. I'm going to go now. I'll be back in ten and then I'll take you guys out for lunch."

They nod in agreement and go to the reception area. I head off to the changing rooms and take a quick shower and change into a black pair of skinny jeans, my favourite marvel shirt, a dark grey hoodie and a pair of white studded converse. I then grab my sport bag with my workout gear in and leave.

As soon as I'm done I walk out and meet the guys in the reception area and head out. I take my car and they take theirs and follow me to a small café around the corner.

When we arrived I get out and wait for them to park. When they eventually get out we head in, sit down and order lunch when the waiter attends to us. After we get our food, we sit back and relax and start to eat.

"So... How was Russia? It sounds so awesome. What did you guys do and what things did you see and learn?" I ask after a while.

"Russia was great but home is definitely way better. We visited a few museums and big cities but other than that we studied. Oooh and there were really hot girls. I mean damn, most of them were tan and had hourglass figures." Sean says.

I give him a flat look, shaking my head and said," Really??? That's all your pea sized brain could think of??? That is so sad."

"We missed our friends though. That's for definite. Also the Russian chicks slap crap hard. I swear they have slapping classes around there somewhere" Jordan stated while unconsciously rubbing his face.

I burst out laughing and soon the boys joined in. These were the guys I grew up with even though they were both four years older than me. They were all the family I had left.

" So how's the parents? I haven't heard from them in over four years." Sean says slightly frowning.

"Uh they um passed away about a year back. Bad car accident put them in comas and eventually they were taken off life support..." I say with a sad smile.

" Oh Kory... I'm so sorry." Jordan said while grabbing me in his arms. Biting back my tears, I hugged him back and sighed. I really did miss them, even if they terrorized me most of the time.

"So where are you guys going to be staying now that you're back?" I ask.

"Uh well we actually don't know. We haven't really thought that far." Sean states.

"Why don't you stay at my place until you get on your feet."  I suggest.

"No we couldn't do that to you. We really appreciate it but we don't want to be under your feet." Jordan replies.

"Oh please. It'd be fun. My two brothers living in the same house as me. Please?" I beg them, giving them my best puppy look.

Sighing ,"Fine but if we work on your nerves you're welcome to kick us out." Sean demands.

Jordan immediately nods in agreement while stuffing his face with food.

"Hey how's Matthew by the way? I haven't heard from him since you guys left and he seemed to have changed his number, cause every time I call him it doesn't go through." I say frowning.

"Uh he sort of left to Australia. Let's just first get this move over with please. Atleast then we'll be in a proper house and not a run down motel." Sean groans.

I gave them my cheekiest smile and arrange them moving in and we eventually go our separate ways. I'm definitely glad that they're moving in, cause the house is starting to become lonely.





A/N: look this is my first book so there may be alot of mistakes so don't judge. If this book resembles any other books it's by complete coincidence. Also I don't give a damn about your negative feedback.

--Kay__kay ☺

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