1.accommodate ac-com-mo-date to do a favor
2.accustomed ac-cus-tomed customary; usual
3.acquisition ac-qui-si-tion the act of; or gaining
4. adolescent ad-o-les-cent growing up
5.amateur am-a-teur a person who engages in study
6.annoyance an-noy-ance irritation
7.antidote an-ti-dote something that stops harmful effects
8.apology ap-ol-gy a regretful acknowledgement
9.applicant ap-pli-cant someone who makes a formal application
10.architect ar-chi-tect a licensed person who plans and designs
11.asterisk as-ter-isk a symbol used in printed text
12.bachelor ba-che-lor a man who has never been married
13.belligerent bel-li-ger-ent hostile and aggressive
14.biannual bi-an-nu-al occurring twice a year
15.brilliance bril-li-ance state of being brilliant