Chapter One

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To start a new school, that's hard, right? but to start a new school when both your parents died... that's rough.

I've been the new kid before, more times than fingers on my hands. I'm a natural at small talk and introducing myself in a way that makes me come across as seemingly interesting, adjusting my story of self seem attractive to my new peers.

This time, it's hard to adjust your story when it's on almost every news station with a headline of "tragic death of loved news anchor and actress" it's not like my parents were famous or anything, just known of around town, and when your town is small - it's easy to be known. 

I've never been known, but now I am. Not for some astounding achievement or embarrassing hook up in the backyard of the party last week, no.

I was known as the girl with the dead parents.

I was never like my parents much at all, they were both so sure of themselves it was like they always knew what their next step was - me, especially now, I have no idea what my future holds for me. 

After adjusting the uniform that didn't fit me properly, and giving myself a small pep talk I managed to find the student office after a short trek throughout this maze of a school, the woman behind the desk had breath that I could only describe as deathly - when asked my name I responded in a quiet tone,

"Cinder Tremaine" and with a lift of her eyebrow the lady behind the desk had handed me my timetable with what sounded almost like a grunt as she pointed me towards the exit.

My unruly blonde hair blew in the wind, completely covering my eyes for a moment and with my luck, that single moment was when another student had entered the same doorway I was making my way out of.

It wasn't one of those moments you see in the movies where the girl drops her books and the boy picks them up for her, when does that ever happen anyway? No, it wasn't like that all. In fact, the only similarity between my own situation and that in the films is that my books fell, and I had literally bumped into a boy, but he didn't seem the slightest bit bothered by it as he continued walking down the corridor and into the office. Great start, Cinder.

"dick" I muttered, before picking up my books from the floor, and giving myself yet another pep talk I attempted to find the first of my classes for the day. History. I hate history. 

The bell had already sounded for class what felt like a century ago, and students were already in their classes - but I wandering the halls, still looking for this classroom that no one had bothered to show me the where abouts of. 

I think back to the boy with the hard shoulders that I ran into and a part of me really hopes that not everyone in this school is a complete ass hole like him, because I had enough assholes in my life and I really didn't need any more. 

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