Chapter 12

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Dom's POV

(The new house)

"Can you find it by yourself or do you want me to come with you?" I ask as Stef gets up to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be fine, but you can pick out a movie, nothing scary though." She says reminding me of our double date with max and Danny.


She leaves the living room.

I leave the living room to get a movie from one of the boxes upstairs in the bedroom.


Twighlight. No.

Pirates of the Caribbean. Nope.

Princess and the frog. Fuck no.

Shawn of the dead. Yes!

I know she'll probably punch me in the nuts for picking this but there's nothing else to watch.

"Sss." I hiss through gritted teeth when a small but sharp pain all of the sudden pinches at my waist.

Me ~ What the hell was that?

Jay ~ Dom go downstairs.

Me ~ What why? Is something wrong.

Jay ~ Just go, and hurry.

The first thing that comes to mind is Stef as I leave our bed room.

"Dom!!!!" Stef screams when I reach the first step.

"Stef!" I yell as I sprint down the steps.

As I round the corner into the living room I notice all the lights are off.

When I switch on the lights my worst nightmare stands before me.

My Stef struggling in the arms of a mutt with his claws pressed deep into her side.

A tear rolls down her cheek.

I think I'm going to be fucking sick, how could I let this happen?

Before I can ponder my feelings jay begins to creep into my body.

"I'm gonna give you one chance to get the FUCK OFF OF HER!" I shout, my alpha tone in full affect.

The mutt doesn't bat an eyelash.

"Look who's here Stef, your knight In shining armor." He whispers into her ear.

At this moment jay has completely taken over and I know my eyes are alpha red and my chest is heaving.

"I'm giving you till the count of three."



Before I could reach 3 Stef was released and pushed into my arms.

My pitch red eyes connect with her bloody wound.

She needs help right now and I'm about to do some serious damage.

"Go upstairs and call max." I seethe.

With no question she exits the living room and takes to the stairs.

"So, Alpha Dom, what are you gonna do now, kill me?" How the hell does this mutt know my name?

This piece of shit is really asking for it.

It'll be my pleasure to give him what he's asking for.

"Damn right."


Stef's POV

(In the bedroom)

"Here hold this on it." Max orders as he hands me a moist cloth.

I lift up my blood stained tank top and press the warm cloth to the five hole like cuts on my side.

"Where's Dom? Is he ok?"

"He's fine, he's downstairs with alpha wright." He answers sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"But I heard sirens, like an ambulance." I can't help the nerves that fills my mind along with the stinging pain coming from my side.

"That was for the other guy." He smiles.

All I can say is "oh."

"The pack doctor will be here in a minute to look at you, will you be ok?" He tells me as he gets up to leave.

"Yeah I'll be fine, thank you."

"Anytime." He says before he leaves the room.

I hear a few voices from downstairs and then footsteps coming towards the room.

Please let it be Dom.

Please let it be Dom.

My hopes are shattered when a pretty young woman with ginger hair and hazelnut eyes opens the door.

"Stefanie Moore?" She says as if I'm not the only person in this room.

"That's me."

"Well Stefanie I'm Kate, the pack doctor for all the females. And I'm just gonna take a look at you." She talks while she goes through a little brown bag.


She pulls out a magnifying glass.

What the fuck does she need a magnifying glass for?

"If you could lift up that towel for me."she says motioning to the now blood soaked towel.

I slowly remove the towel.

She places the glass just above my waist, then looks through it.

"Mmh humm... My assumptions were correct."

"What assumptions?" A deep voice says startling me and Kate.

Dom stands before us with dark blood on his shirt, pants, hands, and cheek.

An awkward silence falls between the three of us.

Dom shifts on his feet.

"What assumptions?" His tone is a little harder.

"Well the man that did this was missing a claw when Michael put him on the gurney, and that claw appears to be here in the base of her wound." I'm pretty sure when she says Michael she's talking about mike, the male pack doctor.

"Ok, so can we get it out?" He says walking over to one of the boxes and opening it.

"Yes, I can, I just have to get my tools." She put the magnifying glass back into her bag.

"How long will it take?" I can tell his temper is short fused right now.

He grabs a towel and wipes the blood from his hands.

"20 minutes, tops."

An uneasy sigh falls from his lips.

"Just hurry." With his words she leaves the room.

For some reason I just feel awkward right now.

"Dom, are you ok?" I try my best to sit-up against the headboard.

"Yeah I'm fine, the real question is are you ok?" After all of this he still manages a smile.

"I'm ok but, your covered in blood."

"Yeah speaking of that, I'm going to go get cleaned up real quick."He seems ok.



Authors note

Hii! I wanna say sorry for not updating sooner, today I was in like thirty degree weather since like 4 o'clock. And I have to do it again tomorrow. Sad, I know.

Ps. Is anyone else experiencing winter right now??? Let me know.



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