what is right

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Ezra's POV

''You two cuff him.'' She said they started to come up to me I cleared my mind and held out my hand I knocked them all back. My sister got to feet once again I started to run to a fighter when all of the sudden I couldn't move!
''Y/N I know there is still good in you.'' I said
''Don't call me that.'' She said
''Then what should I call you?'' I asked she fell silent but walked in front of me, she let go of her hold we just stood there looking at each other.
''You know nothing about me.'' She said
''Yes I do, your my sister.......''
''No I'm not!'' She screamed

Your POV

After you yelled for some reason you did not feel angry but you felt bad for what you did. Then you felt cold and anger the boy in front of you looked afraid he knocked you back into the wall.
''I'm sorry this is all my fault.'' He said he ran into a fighter and left then you saw something. Someone hugging you while you said this is all my fault. Vader had entered the platform you stood up there was pain on your left side you held onto it and whined as you used a craft that was next to you for support.
''What happened?'' He asked the troopers where finally coming threw.
''He caught me off guard.'' You said
''Will don't let it happen again.'' He said and walked off a trooper came over to you to help.

Ezra's POV

I didn't want to leave but I had two, my sister has not changed I can tell, there was still good in her. I went into hiperspace, I was mad at my self for leaving her I wanted to go back! I punched the side of the fighter.
''Ouch!'' I yelped I came out of hiperspace and there was the ghost in front of me them they started firing at me! I swerved around to avoid them I got into the communications.
''Specter 6 to ghost don't shoot!'' I said
''Ezra! Your alright!'' I heard Hera said
''As fine as I can be.'' I said
''Is Y/N with you?'' She asked I fell silent. ''Ezra?''
''We need to talk.'' I said I hooked the fighter to the ghost and I walked into the ghost. Hera sent the fighter off and sent us into hiperspace.
''So what happened?'' She asked everyone was waiting to hear what I was about to say, I explained what had happened.
''I don't get it. She knows better.'' Hera said
''She didn't remember me.'' I said Kanan looked up.
''She most of last her memory somehow.'' Kanan said
''That might be it because she would never forgot me.'' I said
''You said her eyes where E/C right?'' He asked
''Yea why?'' I asked
''Then its not to late, we can still save her.'' He said
''How?'' I asked
''That i do not know.'' He said

Your POV

You held Vader's light saber in your hands, you turned it on and red mixed with the little light that was around you. The door opened you didn't look up all you did was stare at the light saber, you heard the sounds of a machine like it was breathing, a shadow fell over you.
''You have failed me today.'' Vader said you turned off the light saber but didn't look up.
''I'm sorry master.'' You whispered
''I have a new assignment for you.'' He said this time you looked up. Vader looked down at you, you got to your feet and just looked at him.
''I'm ready.'' You said
''Good now follow me.'' He said walking out the door, you followed silently behind him.

Ezra's POV

I walked into my room I grabbed the sith holocron and opened it.
''I don't know what to do.'' I said
''Tell me what is the matter?'' A female voice came out of it the same one that I heard at the temple.
''Its my sister she doesn't remember me. The empire has been telling her lies she thinks she's a a.......'' I said I couldn't say it.
''Memory can do many things to the mind search your feels and use them with the force.'' It said
But how is that going to help me!'' I snapped
''you will see young one.'' It said I closed it and put it back where it was.

Your POV

You sat in the transport hooding a light saber in your hand. Vader had given you your own light saber but you felt uneasy just holding it. You had taken a small blaster with you. You put the light saber on the seat next to you, there where two other troopers with you they where there to protect you.
''We are going to need fuel soon.'' You said one of them looked at you.
''We have in of.'' He said you got up and walked behind him.
''Have you been keeping an eye on the dial we are low on fuel we need to stop in the next system or we have to wait for another transport to come and get us.'' You said he turned and looked at the dial it said empty.
''We will be stopping at the next system.'' He said you pulled out of hiperspace in front of you was a planet a star destroyer appeared above you.
''State your business?'' Asked the commander.
''We are low on fuel  we require more.'' Said the trooper
''We will have fighters escort you down to lothal.'' Said the commander three fighters flew with you. When you landed a lady was waiting for you, your troopers followed behind you.
''It is an honor to have you here with us.'' She said
''I am honored to be here.'' You said
''What shall we call you?'' She asked
''Call me, S/N(that is what you are going to use for your sith name.)'' You said

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now