Childhood Friends

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A/N: First oneshot! Hope it isn't too bad. Had this idea, basically of what would happen if Dlive and Entoan were friends when they were kids. Hope this is good!

-3rd Person POV (No one's POV)-

"Gunner, c'mon! You're gonna miss the bus!" A feminine voice rang out.

"Sorry mom.." Little Gunner murmured before walking out from the hallway and to the front door, grabbing his backpack on the way there. It was Gunner's first day of 2nd grade, and he was really nervous. He's been to school before, but nobody really paid much attention to him. 

He didn't like school. Not because it was boring, but because he just didn't understand why he had to 'make friends.' Nobody liked him.

"Have a nice day, Gunner!" His mom said, kissing his cheek before Gunner scurried off to get on the bus. He got a bunch of weird glances, which made him uncomfortable but he ignored it. Another thing Gunner didn't like about himself was his name. He didn't think that it fit right. He heard other kid's friend's always calling them nicknames by there names, but Gunner just couldn't think of a good one, so he was stuck with his real name.

He sat by himself, just staring at the window, seeing his own reflection and sighing.

'I guess nobody really likes me...'

-Magic Time Skip-

After a whole day of learning the rules and how to pronounce the teacher's names properly, everybody got a break from being inside a classroom, and went outside. Everybody was running as fast as lightning to get outside, why'll Gunner just trudged through the dirt, staring at the ground, his shoes kicking up dust every time he walked.

Apparently, Gunner must not have been paying attention, and he felt somebody or something collide with him. He felt himself fall backwards, and he landed on his back with a little 'Ow.'

"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you!" A frantic little voice rang out, and Gunner quickly sat up and looked up to reveal a boy, around his age but slightly taller, with darkish green eyes, and blondish brown hair. He looked down at Gunner, and smiled lightly, reaching out one of his hands for Gunner to take. 

That surprised him. Nobody had ever wanted to help him. Ever since kindergarten. 

He took the boy's pale hand, and the little boy helped him up to his feet. 

"T-Thank you.." Gunner said, smiling lowly at the boy who helped him.

"No problem! I'm Donald by the way, but everybody just calls me Dlive." He said, his smile growing. He was so adorable.

"I'm Gunner...You can make fun of it, I know it's a bad name." Gunner said, sadly. Dlive looked at him confused with his sparkling green eyes.

"It's not a bad name...It's cute!" He said, cheerfully. Gunner felt his eyes widen as he stared up at Dlive with his deep brown eyes.

"R-Really? Wow..Nobody's really said anything like that to me.." He said.

"Well, they should! Gunner is an adorable name." He said, giggling a small bit when he saw a little bit of red on the other boy's cheeks.

"Hey, you want to spend time with me?" Dlive offered. Gunner looked at him and smiled a little at how kind he was being.

"Yeah, sure!" He exclaimed, suddenly happy. Dlive grabbed his hand, which only made Gunner's blush darken, before they both ran off and started talking with each other.

-Few Min. Later-

"Ooh, look, Entoan!" Dive cried, but Gunner looked at him in confusion.

"Did you...Just call me...'Entoan?'" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Dlive looked him in the eyes.

"Well, yeah. I thought of it, since you don't really like your name all that much. Hope you like it." Dlive giggled cutely. Entoan stared at for him for a moment, before his lips curled into a smile.

"Actually, yeah, I really like it!" He exclaimed, happily. 


Gunner knew he would hang onto that for a long time.

Suddenly, a loud whistle rang out, and all the teacher's were raising there hands, and waving them, signalling for the kids to go to them. A whole army of kids started running back to there teachers, and Dlive and Entoan stared at them.

"Looks like we have to go back inside." Entoan said, sadly. Dlive looked over at his sad friend.

"Hey, don't worry, Entoan! We can see each other tomorrow!" Dlive said, rubbing Entoan's shoulder to reassure him. Entoan started smiling again and nodded.

Dlive gave Entoan a quick hug, before running off after his class.

"BYE ENTOAN!" He shouted behind him, waving, and joining his classes line. Entoan felt his heart melt. Dlive was so sweet, nice and cute! His very first friend. 

--Present Time--

Entoan smiled lightly as he recalled the memory. It's been a few years since that one day, but Entoan remembers every little detail. 

'Dlive, what would I have done without you?'

A/N: Aww, there so cuuute. But seriously, can you imagine how cute these two were when they were kids? I can just imagine it. But anyway, I hope this was good, and I hope I didn't kill you because of cuteness ;^;. BYYYEEE!!~

DEntoan (Dlive x Entoan) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now