itALan crAck

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Italy was calmly reading until he heard some /really/ loud rock music. "roMANO, WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG?!", Italy sobbed because the music hurt his ears a lot. Italy walked to Romano's room and nearly fainted. Romano was drunk, listening to*insert a loud terrible song* and twerking(Dx I'm sorry if you tried to imagine that) with no shirt on. Italy quickly called Spain and Germany to save him from unnecessary trauma or something unfortunate. Romano then grabbed Italy's aRm and said,"shut up fratello-, I am the generation party." Italy shrieked loudly and slid away to Germany who was sparkling because he's fabulous. This is why kids, you don't get drunk or you may or may not scare people.


Lol did y'all like it? I'll post more especially like- if people think it's funny XD, baaai :D

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