Ja'far- Kiss?

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~your pov~
I sighed as I wandered the corridors of the palace trying to find something to entertain me.

I heard Ja'far rampaging around the palace looking for Sinbad. No doubt because he escaped work again to go off and get drunk or go to the red light district. I chuckled lightly and put my arms behind my head while continuing searching for something to do.

I decided that it was time to return to my room so I looked around at where I was at. Hmm. Ok it looks I'm like I'm in the garden. I shrugged and made up my mind to stay a while longer to relax.

I walked a bit more until I found a small lake to look at my reflection in and think about my troubles.

~Ja'far's pov~
I growled under my breath as I managed to find Sin in the red light district wasted and basically harassing the woman who work in the brothel.

I grabbed his ear and started dragging Sin back to the palace while scolding him "Sin you have to stop trying to escape your work! You know I'll only find you." I yelled. "But paperwork isn't any fun!" Sinbad whined and flailed around trying to get out of my grasp.

I grumbled under my breath and took him back to the palace and to his room. As I closed the door to the now passed out kings room I sweatdropped and breathed a sigh of relief that that was over.

~Timeskip brought to you by Ja'fars fluffy hair~

~your pov~
I groaned and put my arm over my eyes trying to block the sun out of my eyes. I huffed and flung the covers off me and decided to get ready for the day. As I was walking I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone.

I blinked snapping out of the daze I was in. I looked up to who I bumped into and saw the guy who I was thinking about.

"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going Ja'far." I said  with an apologetic smile "It's okay. Neither was I." He extended his hand to help me up.

I took his hand as he pulled me up. All of a sudden I was pushed from behind and ended up falling onto Ja'far.

I closed my eyes and before I knew what was happening I was kissing Ja'far. I was KISSING him.

My eyes widened and I rushed to get off of him but before I could he wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me where I was.

I felt heat rush to my face as I slowly melted into the kiss.

After we pulled away I stared into his eyes.

Sorry I didn't really know how to end it. Hope you at least liked it. Feel free to request someone, I take requests. I might post a request form so you know how to.


Word count: 497

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