He stood about 6'3 brown eyes and hair, at the time, no one els could compare.
ive known him for awhile now but i had never looked at him like i did right then and there.
sitten on a rock in the park, i said, kiss me, kiss me if you care.
remember the time you kissed me on school grounds? earned us a phone call to the folks a day in ISS. Which we spent texting one another all day long.
remember, the mud and rocks we chucked at each other in the rain?
the smiles we shared, now i sit thinking to myself that if this song got an end, will it end with all your regret an my shame or will it end with a....
kiss me, kiss me, kiss me if you care.
remember my birth day? that was the day i realized i had to let you go.
after everyone left, i cried and ate so much cookie dough i made myself sick.
remember, your birthday the moment you regret, the moment in sorry because i know its all my fault but i wouldnt change a thing not our hellos or goodbyes
kiss me, kiss me if... you
in this song the memory of back when we were young lives on...
and that there is another kiss me because i know you still care...
are you still there?