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~ chapter one~


Infinite space... aware of my existence, but with no ego present to separate.... Its as if I were one with everything else. Oneness in the purest of expressions, the soul....a universe constantly experiencing itself. Through the farthest expanses of darkness and stars... Light years past the pillars of creation, beyond the beauty of a supernova's destructive light show, the Aurora Borealis of the universe. Across millions of stars and dancing galaxies..... The dark silk of space that once held the stars in place has become warped and distorted... The tick of time and the hour of death will bring all life to an end.

I must wake up. I must remember who I am... And Take back my memories....

BAM.! The abrupt sensation of Falling into my body Jerks me out of the deep sleep I was in. I find myself panting for breath, A feverish trickle of sweat drips down my neck....annnd My pj's are drenched... Lovely.

I prop myself up against the headboard. Same dream again...?
A million questions flood my head,

I am trying to make sense of the recurring messages implemented into the dreams I've had these past few nights.

Ten minutes go by in deep thought ..... Nada.

I can't seem to come up with a viable explanation... And due to intense brain activity I now have a headache. In a fit of frustration, I flop my wet face into my hands .

I look over to my silver fluff ball of a companion. (more like my own self entitled, mini narcissist) "Ocarina," her ears perked up as she mrreowed, voicing her undivided attention towards me in kitty dialect, "I could do without waking up in a gross, sweaty panic, " with a playful feline strut she pawed her way across the rolling blanket of Hills, and over to my side of the bed "Don't you agree?" I wriggled my fingers on the underside of her soft chin. Because of her predator like instincts, The fat domesticated queen of 'house jungle' rubs her head up and down my calf in the act of ownership claim.

A loud noise suddenly wails from my bedside table... reminding me of my slave.. um, I mean, civic duties. the clock reads 12 pm. Crap. I'm late for work. Again. Shaking all thoughts about the dreams from my head, I jump out of bed and hop in the shower. Oh showers, how I love you so. The perfect place to think and relax whilst ambient techno melodies echo off the bathroom walls.... with nothing but candlelight to deepen my pensive mood. Pure Bliss.

There's No time for my over analytical shenanigans today, for I have declared war and now I must go and battle the chief, (My boss) about keeping my job. I've been late almost everyday this past week, (despite my early bedtime) due to the lucid coma I'm in every night. Well, if my supervisors refuse to understand the unfortunate chain of events that have presented themselves to me and/or just enjoy sucking the happiness out of my ass then there's nothing I can do about it. No use in beating myself up.

Like any true American, My functionality will not flourish to normal levels until I consume copious amounts of morning coffee. So I grab for the coffee pot that resides on the kitchen counter (still full of day old coffee) and poured some in my favorite purple mug. Oh, I cant forget my name tag. It reads AURORA in big blocky letters. (Rory is my preference) I clip it to my work shirt, I'm ready to go.

I live in the great confines of New York city...a wonderful land full of rushing people, subway trains and convenient transportation systems. I thank my lucky stars public transportation alleviates me from the burden of having to own a car. Which i am very happy about... just The thought of contributing my own CO2 emissions amongst billions of other people causing damage to a planet that is already on the verge of collapse feels wrong to me. Call me a hippy if you'd like, but I've always been that way. A deep consideration for nature has allowed me to connect in a way that seems to be all but lost. A connection humanity has forgotten.

I have to walk about 3 blocks from my house to get to the subway station on Steinway street. My dead end job is on the other side of the city, making it a 20 minute ride. Ive met some pretty interesting characters on my commute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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