Airport Christmas // Payne AU

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''Yes mum, I'm in the airport now. I'll be in Ireland in no time.''

A young lady dashed through the crowds of people, holding her phone to her ear. She smiled as her mother explained her excitement to see her for two weeks over the holiday.

It was the night before Christmas day. Yes, it was Christmas eve. One of the busiest nights the airports had as the many people rushed to get home for the holidays. The Heathrow International Airport in London city was no exception. London, England being one of the bigger cities and all.

''Yes mum, okay mum. Yeah, I'm excited to see you, dad and the girls.''

A young boy, about twenty, trudged his suitcase behind him. He held his phone between his shoulder and his ear as he spoke to his mother. He couldn't help but have a small smile on his face when his mother talked about the things they've done to make the house festive for the season.

Both the boy and the girl were speaking, somewhat in a daze, not paying attention to their paths. As the two walked carelessly, they bmped into each other, quite hard I must add. The two fell to the floor, their phones falling from their hands.

''Oh my! I'm so sorry.'' The girl rushed her words as she picked her phone up.

''Oh no, my fault love. Uh, hi I'm Liam.''

She looked up from the ground to meet a pair of loving brown eyes. Her breathing hitched in her throat, as she felt it was hard to breathe. He looked at her with a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.

''Courtney! Are you listening?'' a scream came from her phone.

She stumbled around to place the phone back to her ear.

''Yeah, I'll call you back mum!'' she hung up, smiling at Liam.

''Hello Liam, I'm Courtney.''

She placed her hand out for Liam to shake. He gradually took it, giving it a light shake then releasing it, hesitantly.

''Liam!'' a scream came from his phone.

''Uh- I've got to go Courtney, nice meeting you.'' He gaveher a dazzling smile.

She nodded, and he proceeded to stroll around, speaking into the phone. She sighed, standing back up straight. She dialed her mother's number, it rang twice then her mother picked up.

''Sorry mum, you were saying?''


 Written by Haley, edited by Jessica.


so here's the prologue! hope its enjoyable. Please leave your opinions!


I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Your comments on this would be highly appreciated.


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