First i met Louis with the lads

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Lhey Esmiralda
Karyl Adong
Louis Tomlinson
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
Zayn Malik
Liam Payne

Karyl's P.O.V
Good morning everyone!!Oh wait a second what time is it.(Time Check:7:00)what!!oh no I need to prepare now I'm gonna be late at the first day of school.uh what clothes I'm gonna wear oh I like this one I really really love this dress.(color of the dress:Dark Red).oh finally I'm done I need to suit my dollshoes oh I like this this one it matches in my dress(color of the shoe:Red with a black stripes).oh need to eat my breakfast and if I'm done I'm gonna go to school wait I think I'm gonna go first to Lhey's house and we're gonna go at school.oh I forgot Lhey is my best friend we meet when I'm at the mall.

Lhey's P.O.V
Good morning everyone I need to go at school now I really really miss my best friend named Karyl actually we are Directioner we really really love the 1D actually I'm going take a study at Horan University.wait a second I think I remember that Karyl gave her number phone at me,oh yeah I'm right I'm gonna go call her and ask her where is her school.calling Karyl (Ringing) .......................
Karyl:hello?who's this?
Lhey:hi Karyl this is Lhey your best friend.
Karyl:oh I remember now,so how are you?
Lhey:I'm fine,how about you?
Karyl:I'm fine too.
Lhey:ah Karyl can I ask something?
Karyl:sure I'm gonna ask you too.
Lhey:ok you first
Karyl:no you first
Lhey:here were gonna both say it ok
Karyl & Lhey:Where is your school?
Lhey:oh we have same question
Karyl:yeah,my school is at Horan University and you?
Lhey:wait we are at the same school!!
Karyl & Lhey:Yehey!!!!

Fast forward;

Louis' P.O.V
Finally we're here Niall!lets go out now,and I see a girl and boy together their so cute together 😊.until we go out at the car lets go wait a second this girl is crazy she's running with that boy until the girl hit me.Ouch!!!she said,ah Karyl are you ok?i told you to not run but you didn't listen to me then look what happened to you?!,miss are you ok?im really really sorry I said,ahh you don't need to say sorry it's my fault but I'm about you are you ok?she said,I was shocked when she say that she look so worried.ah I'm ok come here let me help you.oh thank you😊,thanks uh my name is Kyla Karyl Adong Karyl for short and you are?she said,oh my name is Louis William Tomlinson Louis for short nice to meet you,nice to meet you too she said,oh by the way this is Lhey Esmeralda Lhey for short and he is my best friend,she said,oh ok nice to meet you Lhey and this Niall Horan,and this is Harry Styles,and this Zayn Malik,and the last but not the least Liam Payne,and we are the One Direction the biggest boyband the lads said.and their was shocked.

The Lads and the Best friend P.O.V
So let's go inside we are late to are first day of class.

To Be Continued.............

Another Character

Jewel Guzman
Harrly Darcy

Lhey and Karyl With the Lads (Karyl Fallinlove with Louis)Where stories live. Discover now