Chapter 3

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I was up at 7am eating a bowl of froot loops in the kitchen table. Yes, i was surprised to find there was a box of froot loops in one of the cabinets. But i was even more surprised, in shock actually, to find out it was Damon's. I knew it was his cuz there was a big 'Do NOT eat' written on the front of the box. I read it right after i poured the milk into the cereal. Whoops, too late.

I was separating the loops left into color patterns distractedly. I still couldn't believe i was up this early. I should be asleep dreaming about Johnny Depp or something.

But thanks to a stupid nightmare, i couldn't go back to sleep. I dreamt that i was running through the woods freely. Wind on my face, hair blowing back, my feet barely touching the ground. It felt like I was flying. And then i heard a noise, some sort of weird whimpering. I followed it and found a girl laying facedown on the ground, all covered in leaves and dirt. I heard a faint 'Edward' from her and raised an eyebrow. "What?" i asked. She looked up and i saw it was Bella, from Twilight. Her eyes grew wide. "Edward! You're back," she said, and got up. I was still confused as to what was happening. "Im sorry, im not-", but i was too late. Bella was already kissing me full on the lips.

I'd woken up immediately after that and gagged several times. Heck, i even spat when i got to the bathroom sink and washed my teeth two times.

Not that i HATE Bella but, damn it!! Couldn't it have been Emmet instead?

I was distracted from my thoughts when Damon walked into the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled. That alone was weird enough.

"Hey," he said, "You like froot loops too?"

"Yeah," i said, trying not to sound as awkward as i felt.

"Alright!" he said, holding his palm out, apparently for a high five.

I held out my hand, and his hand went forward. But instead of clapping with mine, it went straight to flick my forehead.

"Hey!!" i complained, rubbing my forehead.

"You deserve it," he said, "Don't you know how to read?" he asked, pointing at the 'Do NOT eat' on the cereal box.

"Yeah, so? Im not eating the box now, am i?"

He frowned at me, "Way to find a loop hole", he said.

I giggled, "froot-loop-hole"

Damon shook his head, snatched the box and poured cereal in a bowl for himself and sat down next to me. "Just so we're clear. This is the first and last time you eat my cereal, got it?" he threatened with his spoon pointed at me.

I thought about it a second, "i'll agree to that if you come with me to buy some for myself later," i said.

"First of all, it's not if you 'agree', its 'if i find you eating my cereal again i'll hang you from a tree by your pretty hair'. Second, i cant accompany you because i have a very important meeting with someone." he finished.

I got curious, "With who?"

"Nonya," he said.

"Nonya?" i asked.

"Nonya bussiness"

I gave him an annoyed expression even though I really did walk into that one.

"Oh, ha ha. I can't stop myself from laughing.", i said sarcastically. I heard the front door opening and stared as Stefan came in. Apparently, he stayed at this Elena chick's place.

"Morning," he said.

"Morning," i replied back. "Hey Stefan, wanna come with me to buy some cereal later? Mr. Nonyabussiness here doesn't like sharing.", I said, munching on the last spoonful of cereal.

Amy Salvatore [Vampire Diaries fan-fiction]Where stories live. Discover now