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How are we gonna start this off? Should I have a disclaimer about how shit my writing is? Should I introduce myself? Or rather, should I explain why I am writing this or what will be written?

I suppose introducing myself is the easiest thing to do. Okay, here we go.

Hi. I don't really want to give out my name, so you can come up with one for yourself. I'm sure some people who know me IRL already know who I am. That's cool.

I'm a sophmore in high school. I live in the States. Not saying where. I'm currently in a relationship that has lasted for almost 6 months now. Actually, tomorrow makes 6 months. My longest thus far. Also the realest. Many people think we've been together for, like, a year or something. Nah.

Sorry, another story for another chapter.

My favorite colors are red and grey. But, like, crimson red and ash grey, yanno?

I love pasta with a passion. Unfortunately, Olive Garden dates in the future seem unlikely because my boyfriend absolutely hates pasta/Italian.

I suppose I'll go with my sister or one of my best friends. I have two best friends. Ash* and Cal*. (*names are changed just cause) Ash and I have known each other since sixth, seventh grade; we've been best friends since halfway through freshman year but technically eighth grade. Another chapter.

Cal and I have know each other since sixth grade. Best friends since eighth. We had a slightly rough start a few good months into it. Also another chapter.

My sister. Man, I love my sister so much. She's a dickhead, though. God, where would I be without her? Oh, right. Dead. Also another story. Ahaha.

Yanno, I'm gonna end this here before I get into something this book isn't ready for yet. So, deuces.

Posi vibes, my dudes.

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