The Lost

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A high pitched squeal akin to a pig being skewered pierced the night followed swiftly with rapid gunfire. A humanoid creature with the head of a goat shot down the dark alley at inhuman speeds being pursued by a man in a black trench coat. The man fired another volley of shots from his twin pistols, one black as night and the other silver like mercury. The goat creature stumbled and tripped, ending the fall on what could be called its face. Faster than any eye could follow, the man plunged a massive claymore through its spine ending the miserable monsters life. As it faded away the man stepped into the light revealing bright snow white hair, aquamarine eyes and a face that looked as though it was carved by a master sculptor.

Sheathing his sword he walked towards a building that looked in need of serious repair. A red neon sign glared out over the dark street professing the name of the shop 'Devil May Cry'. The man stepped inside, not bothering to lock the door and reverently set his sword on a blackened metal stand. He stepped back to admire the craftsmanship of the sword. Well over 6 feet in length and over a half of a foot wide, it looked more ornamental then anything else, but all who witnessed the blade in action could not doubt its functionality. On a rack next to the sword, the man placed his thick leather trench coat.

Turning on a lamp placed on a large black mahogany desk he quickly dialed a number into the old styled phone. "Another dead end Lady." "Well Dante, what do you expect from demons with a rocket launcher tickling the backs of their neck? You know as well as I do that they will say and do anything to escape with their skulls intact and attached to their rotten hides" He clenched his hand into a tight fist swallowing his anger with no small amount of effort. "Dammit Lady it has been two years. Two long years of dead ends and wild goose chases, without a single solid hint of a lead."

The voice on the other end sobered at the the thought. It had been two years since their dear friend, and in Dante's case lover, Trish, had been brutally murdered by Dante's twin brother Vergil. "I know Dante. I am as frustrated as you are over this entire situation, but what do you want from me?" Dante dropped his voice to a cold tone "Results." With that he dropped the phone on the receiver and leaned back, closing his eyes to the barrage of images of his lost love.

Trish, the demoness. The only woman whom Dante had ever truly loved and given his heart to. The only person in Dante's life that trusted him as much as he trusted her and never let him down. Murdered. Butchered would have been a better word to describe the situation. Trish has been beaten half to death, crucified, whipped, and finally impaled with the sword of Sparda. Dante had been out of town on a mission, leaving her behind to mind the shop, when his twin decided to pay a visit to him.

Finding that Dante was out of town, he decided to leave a message about how one should never leave their valuables unguarded, carved into Trish's flesh with the two brothers old saying "Jackpot".Dante arrived two days later to the grizzly scene and had never felt so helpless in his entire span of existence. His heart. His other half. Strung up like an old religious heretic and left for the buzzards.

Immediately he called Lady back. The line rang once and she picked up "Lady I am so-" Lady cut him off with a brisk yet gentle tone. "Dante, don't you dare treat me like I don't care as much as you do in this. That woman was the closest thing I had to a sister." He sighed softly "I know. Forgive me Lady." She heard the plea in his voice, the sea of sadness threatening to swallow him whole and she sighed, echoing him. "Don't worry about it Dante. We will find him, even if it takes the rest of our natural, well in your case unnatural, lives." She promised to him.

He believed her. He had to, for what else did he have to live for other than that exquisitely sweet moment of revenge. He nodded to nobody in particular "Same time tomorrow?" She chuckled softly "Been that way for two years Dante, its not about to change now" He smiled, well crooked his lips more than anything. "Sleep tight" He said "Don't let Cerberus bite" She replied chuckling more, referencing the three headed ice guardian that Dante had slain and claimed as a devil arm some years ago.

The line clicked dead and Dante was left alone to his thoughts. "Vergil, I will find you." He swore to the empty air "And pray that I somehow I find mercy in my heart because when I do, I'll make sure you don't come back this time"

Suddenly the air in the shop grew frigid, as if someone had shut the heater off and left a door open. The hairs on Dante's neck stood up and faster than the eye could follow he went to the only operating window in the shop, the one in his room, to see it wide open with a note scrawled in neat cursive that he immediately identified as his brother's. "Im waiting" And below was the name of their last meeting. Dante's spine stiffened as he read the words. Mallet Island.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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