Memory // Hyuk

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I majored in English and honestly it's my favourite subject out of all the other subjects that the college offers. Everything is fine but there was just one thing that bothers me alot in English class. It's always SangHyuk. Always.

For some odd reason, he always like to stare at me. Everytime I turn around, he's always there looking at me with his puppy face. Not just in english classes but almost anywhere and everywhereee.

I looked to my right, he was 8 sits away from me, staring at me with his elbows on the table and hands supporting his face. How is he not listening to the lecture? Stuff is pretty important for our finals.

He saw me looking at him and immediately smiled and waved at me. I thought I should be mean to someone who's always staring at me. I didn't smile back and went back focusing on the lecture.

I could feel his disappointment and sadness when I ignored him. I could feel his vibes easily. I looked down and smiled to myself imagining his disappointed face. Look at just how cute he is.

I must admit, he is quite cute even though he is a creeper. Too cute at times that I must really control myself and my feelings.

Class ended and I was making my way home already when I heard someone calling my name. It was just SangHyuk.

"Yah, why did you ignore me in class just now?" SangHyuk approached.

"Just go straight to the point. What do you want? "

He started giggled then asked if I could help him for English.

"Aren't you rich since you're an idol?"

"If you don't want to help then it's fine... " he said it with a sad tone and walked off.

"Aish, alright I'll help you with English," I said when he was three to four feet away from me.

He stopped then turned around with his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Jjinja? Really? Reaaaaallly????? Gomawo!!" he looked so happy that he was smiling from ear to ear and his eyes barely seen. After a few seconds seeing him being happy, I questioned him.

"So when are we starting?" I asked him.

"When should we start? Hmmmmm"

I just looked at him for a few seconds to let him decide when. I thought we were going to start studying together next week but then out of nowhere he grabbed me by my hands and ran while giggling.

"Yah, where are you bringing me to?" I paused in between words for me to breathe since we were running.

"We're starting now"

He brought me to where he parked his motorcycle and put on a helmet for me.

I just realised how tall he is through the fact that my eye level is on his shoulders. I had to look up 40 degrees at least to see his face from my height. His face was so near to mine, I could see his pink soft lips, glowing white skin complexion, his messy hair that looks good irregardless.

He clicked the lock of the helmet at my chin and he realised I was staring at his lips. I shifted my eyes to meet his gaze. Unfortunately, now, he's looking at my lips.. He was breathing so intensely, coming closer and even closer to me.

My heart started pumping so fast as he came closer. Ahh eotteoke?? Wait, what is he going to do?? Is he going to... kiss me? Oh my god no!! I closed my eyes tightly just incase anything happens.

I was waiting for something to happen but there was nothing. Nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes.

"What were you exactly expecting? Why did you close your eyes?"

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