The air was rigid with pent-up tension. Everyone in the room knew exactly what needed to be done, but nobody was brave enough to do it. "So... Who's going to go first?" Their silence was in vain- his question left a heavy burden on their minds. Everyone wanted to say it, but ultimately it was impossible to speak. "I want this over with." The invisible spotlight fell upon the head of a younger business man, who sat at one end of the table. He had risen to his feet and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. An older man leaned back, sucking in a deep breath through his uneven teeth. His hand twitched, craving the feel of an old-fashioned cigar. "We all want to get this over with, sonny." He murmured. His words rang true through the minds of all seated around the table. The young man shook his head and reached forward, daring to take lead. Then he froze, timidly looking around at all of his fellow people. He hesitated uncertainly with an arm outstretched. Nobody stopped him, but nobody had given him permission either. The youth swallowed dryly, bending his torso forward to reach further. All eyes were on him. Watching him.
His quivering hand slid under the fragile crust, slowly puling it away from the rest. Thick threads of melted cheese bridged across the gap. For a fleeting moment, the young man triumphantly held up his prize to be scrutinized by others. Then he withdrew his arm and bit down into the succulent slice, savoring the taste without thought. After a while, he consciously opened one eye and slowly looked around at the faces at the table. With a sheepish smile, he pushed the box to the other end of the table towards the older man. "Pizza, sir?"
Relief rolled throughout the room in drones. The first slice of pizza had been taken. Their long-awaited lunch could finally begin. The casual atmosphere stretched out, filled with small-talk and discussion about the company, accompanied by an occasional belch. That is, until, the buzz slowly died down. Gradually, each pair of eyes turned towards the open pizza box with horror.
There was one slice left.