First Sighting

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The above photo is Josh Hartnett. Or in this story, Mr. Reynolds.

The college is putting on its first ever play. A musical version of Romeo and Juliet. As one of the literature professors, I was enlisted to help make sure that the important elements of the story stay on track.

I walked in to the large auditorium. From the entrance, I could barely make out the faces on the stage, recognizing a few of my students. I reluctantly made my way to the stage, tossing my bag onto a seat and finding Mrs. Murray, the eccentric old theater professor.

"Oh Mr. Reynolds! How lovely to see you dear." She exclaimed.

Yes how lovely to be spending the second week of the semester doing this"Glad I could help."

"Sit, sit. We were just about to begin working on the first dance scene. Since the musical parts of the play will take far more time and attention, I want all of the actors to have steps to start working on." She gathered up a group of students and began with the scene where Romeo first meets Juliet at the dance her family has put on.

"Carly, you are late!" Mrs. Murray yelled to the student running down the aisle.

"I'm so sorry. My car wouldn't start, and I- oh gosh please don't replace me." The young girl begged.

When she hopped up on stage, my eyes sparkled. She was beautiful. Her eyes were pleading, and her hair was tossed about from running. Her pale skin illuminated by the stage lights. I completely zoned out, taking in every detail of the girl until Mrs. Murray spoke up. "A minute later and you would have been. As Juliet it is crucial for you to be here on time. Let us- oh! I must get the music." She disappeared off the side of the stage.

"Carly, your carelessness is going to ruin the play." A dark haired man stepped forward and eyed the girl up and down.

She kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I swear it." She apologized, wrapping her arms around his waist. Of course she has a boyfriend. Some self-centered little boy it seems. My thoughts were flooded with jealousy.

In the next hour that passed, I learned that her boyfriend, Kris, was playing Romeo. I also learned that Carly was a memorizing dancer. I could not help but get lost in her movements as she twirled and leaped across the stage. I was actually rather sad when it came time to pack up and leave. Realizing that I had to prepare a lecture for tomorrow's classes, I did not stay around to observe the girl. But I would be not a second late to tomorrow's practice.

Who should be casted as Carly? Suggest names and we will vote later.

Please feel free to leave suggestions and edits. I have a hard time getting words to convey what I want and to flow. It will all come with experience I guess.

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