Chapter 1: Meeting

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One day you were transferring to "Gekkoukan high school." When you walked into class a boy sitting across from you said "My name is Junpei Iori, what is yours." "( Your name)". Once class was over, a girl named Yukari Takeba, walked over to you.

"So you are the girl who transfered here". "Yes I am, may you show me around the school. "Sure".

Once The Tour Was Over, Yukari Had A enough time to talk about you being at the dorms. " I heard that you came to the dorms last night". "I did and I saw you with a boy". "I was, you will meet him there, but I will show you who is living there". Later on yukari got through everyone who was living at the, but not everyone because it was time for everyone to go home.
On Your way to the dorms, you heard someone behind you shouting your name (YOUR NAME ). You stopped and waited for the person to catch up. " hey your (your name) right." "Yes, how do you know my name and who are you?" "I heard Mitsuru-san say you were living in the dorms and oh were's my manners my name is Ken Amada and I live in the dorms with you too, but I go to middle school." "Oh, I didn't know".

When you walked into the dorms with Ken, you saw a boy with blue hair like you ( or any color hair you like ) blue eyes like you, sliver earphones like you and also wearing the school's uniforms. "Am glad your here, you remember me." "Mitsuru" "yes, sorry we put you in a late schedule, but there was another student that came late too, his name is Makoto yuki". " I haven't talked to him yet". " ok, but I will show you your room, follow me."

When Mitsuru showed you your room, she gave you a key for your door. You layed down on your bed closing your eye.

You see a man and a woman staring at you and you wonder where are you. " My Name Is Igor And This Is Elizabeth, Here Is A Key To The Velvet room, Come Back Very soon. When your dream ended you heard a bang on your door, when you answered your door it was yukari. " COME ON FOLLOW ME". You wondered where is everyone else and why are you running, you stopped to look outside the window. " (YOUR NAME ) WHAT ARE YOU DOING, COME ON ! " "What's going on and why Is it green outside?" A dark creature was outside the window. " YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, LOOK OUT! " yukari pushes you out the way when the dark creatures bust open the window and made a huge hole. " what was that?" "A shadow, COME ON." yukari pulls you up from the floor and grabs your arm and runs.

You and yukari goes all the way to the rooftop. " This is how far we go" A whole bunch of shadows was climbing the dorms all the way to the rooftop. " what" a shadow reaches the building pulling out a bunch of swords. " STAY BACK " yukari pulls out a gun, put it to her head trying to shoot herself, making you scared.

Before she could pull the trigger, the shadow pushed her out the way, leaving her unconscious. You looked on the ground and saw yukari's gun, you picked it up and did what she did, put the gun to the your head and pull the trigger, you were afraid to do it, so you did it, leasing your persona.


After the fight with the shadows, you pass out on the ground. "(Your name)".

The next day you wake up in a hospital not knowing what happened. You look to your right and see flowers, you look to your left and see a boy you saw the other day. " My Name Is Makoto your name is (your name)." " yes, am I in a hospital" " yes you are, are ready for school" " I guess so, let me get up".

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