I. Bake Sales...etc

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"Tell me again why must I help in such childish things Evelyn?"

"Since mom said that you had too! Besides all you do at home is read, no wonder no man in Faron would lay their eyes on you!"

I give a steely gaze at my fraternal twin sister who only rolls her eyes and continues walking down the silent hallways of Faron High school with me reluctantly following her carrying her supplies of baked goods for the annual bake sale that generated a good amount of money for the seniors to plan grand events.

 I don't get it...why must I be dragged into this mess? It's not like the entire senior class is going to include me in their plans. I bitterly think as Evelyn opens the auditorium doors since it was the location of the bake sale.

We silently make our way down aisles of baked goods before stopping in front of the stage where a woman wearing a dark business suit notices our presence quickly runs towards us and engulfs Evelyn in a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you've made it! This table is for you," The woman gushes happily to Evelyn who nods in excitement to the woman's gushing which in reality the woman was our mother, Iris Clockwork.

Taking notice of the silent command, I begin placing the items onto the table's clothed surface realizing that all the sweets were grandma's secret recipes that she had given to Evelyn before she passed two years ago.

"That seems to be everything, Evelyn...anything else that you need?" I ask my sister to which she turns to me and shakes her head no to my question while mother gives me a brief disapproving look before looking back to Evelyn.

I guess I'll take that as my leave...finally, I can be alone with my thoughts and other nicknacks....maybe papa will be home early since his church usually helps with the bake sale. I silently ponder as I quickly make haste through the aisles of goods making good use of the side exit next to the auditorium and exit into the cool whispers of autumn.

I take a deep breath as a gentle breeze passes through that brushes against my arms and my light golden brown hair which I always thought contrasted with my ivory toned skin but couldn't argue due to genetics.

Smiling at my newfound freedom, I slowly begin walking down the silent streets of Faron, Virginia where some say that tales of magic still lingering about that attract many tourists who believed the legends.

I make my way towards my house which was a few miles from the school but still a manageable distance to walk, as the sun begins to set causing a beautiful sunset that I've always loved to view as a child always leaving me in awe at the colors.

After some time I notice my house's front porch which was illuminated by the outdoor lighting, producing the warm feeling of a mother's embrace as I stepped onto the porch and stood in front of the main entrance.

Taking out my key I swiftly open the door, stepping inside as I flipped on the main halls lights highlighting framed photos of my family. Papa didn't arrive home from work yet, well maybe I'll head to my room to get some reading done. I smile at the thought as I wonder down the hall towards my bedroom.

Reaching a cherrywood door I quickly open it, flicking the light switch on to reveal a neat and organized bedroom decorated with still-life paintings of roses along with anime posters of different kinds then finally my bookshelf and queen sized bed pressed against the West wall.

I remove my New Balance tennis shoes and place them under the bed as I climbed onto it, reaching for my favorite book from many fantasy novels titled "The Ocean's Calling" detailing the tale about a girl who could hear water talk along with trying to reconcile with her father.

I wonder if I'll be able to reconcile with mother...I mean it's been years since we last spoke to each other , and I don't know what I did wrong that caused her to ignore me. My mind wonders as I open to where I left off, forgetting the world and the time as I dived into my book's fictional world of Glacial Falls.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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