Finally home

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Hey everyone so this is the final chapter of this story, I really hope you enjoyed it and I am thankful for everyone who has read it. I might do a sequel if people are interested. But for now I am trying to write a different story, so if you like X-men like me, check out my new story, please, it would really mean a lot to me. But for now, thanks for reading this story, love you all.

When John and Jane arrived at the hospital –Christopher and Elizabeth had taken a carriage back to their great grandfather's house- the doctor was quite surprised. He had never seen a white family come in for help with a black baby.

'I'm sorry sir. I cannot help you right now. There is a child in the other room who desperately needs my care.' The doctor said.

'Desperately needs your care?!' George asked. 'I'm sorry, but that child in there has a common cold, you can't do anything for him. This baby on the other hand, born prematurely and has trouble breathing. She needs your help not that boy in the other room'

'I'm sorry, but he will be helped first.'

John was becoming angry, he walked towards the window, trying to hold back the rage he felt rising inside him.

'It's because the child is black, isn't it?' Jane asked, sadness shadowing across her face.

The doctor didn't answer, but everyone in the room knew it was the truth. Slavery was abolished, but discrimination was a common occurrence.

'Do you even know who you are talking to?!' George yelled.

'Currently I am talking to a rude black American, now if you will excuse me, I need to help the child in the other room.' The doctor pushed past George and he was about to speak up, when John did so instead.

'My name is John Clayton the third, I am also known as Lord Greystoke and among other I am known as Tarzan, Lord of the Apes.' He turned away from the window and looked back at the doctor. 'I don't enjoy blackmail or abusing my powers, but I will not let you neglect an ill child just because of the colour of its skin. Now you will help this girl, or you will never have a job again, Doctor.'

The doctor looked afraid. John always spoke with authority, but his voice had carried and hint of threats. He knew very well a Lord could get him to lose his job, and so he complied. 'Very well.' He muttered and began to work on helping Alice.

'The nerve of that man!' George muttered as they were waiting for the doctor to finish examining Alice. 'Who does he think he is?!'

'Stop it, George.' John said. 'Any other Doctor would have done the same. We cannot do anything about it.'

George looked at John. 'We should be able to!'

John sighed. 'I do not have the energy to fight about this with you my friend. I just want to have a quiet life with my family, now that I have my children back again.'

George sighed and sat down. 'Fine.'

'Lord Greystoke.' The Doctors said as he walked towards them.

John stood up, quickly followed by Jane. 'How is she?'

'I have examined her thoroughly. It seems there is no permanent damage or illnesses. She needs proper food, and vitamins, and most of all, protection from diseases. She has trouble breathing, but it will likely pass as she gets stronger. The damp and salty sea air will likely help her as well, so perhaps take her to see the sea every now and then. If she has not grown stronger in a fortnight you should return.'

'Alright, thank you. Now can we take her home?' John asked.

'Yes, of course. She's in the room you brought her into.'

'Thank you.' John said with a slight nod and walked past the doctor to go get Alice.

When Jane and John returned home, they were met by their children and John's grandfather, drinking tea. Christopher and Elizabeth run over to them and hugged them tightly. Jane quickly took Anthony out of his crib and embraced him.

'Looks like we are finally home again, and our family is all together.'

Jane smiled and rested her head on John's shoulder. 'And they lived happily ever after.'

Everyone in the room smiled or laughed, and the day was spent in joy. Celebrating the reunion of their family.

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