I hate that I love you.

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Mark sat infront of his computer, his finger over the select button. His mouse was going to click the record button, but he was just so scared.

It was his 'good bye' video.
He wanted everyone to understand nothing was there fault. It was just him. He was just done with bottling up his useless emotions.

Maybe he'd see his dad again.

Mark clicked the start button, waving slowly to the camera. No smile appeared.

"Hey guys its Markiplier. Umm... This.. As you can guess from the title, my good bye video. Im done.

Im done with things. Done with every thing. Ik done with missing my father. Im done with pretending to be happy. Im tired of lying to you guys. Alot have you have been asking if im ok. Honestly? No. Im not.

Im sorry.. But I just cant deal with this.
Bottling up my emotions. I know most of you understand what im saying. Im so sorry.

Im killing my self.

Im... (He sighed, his eyes beginning to water) You.. You guys are amazing ok? I just cant deal.. W-with it..

Im bi and im tired of hiding it.

Well thats not the problem. You guys have guessed so manny times so..

But I.. I love Jack. I cant deny that.

I feel like shit. I love him and he has some one and for the sake of all things holy his straight.

Hes... Hes probably the reason I've been able to deal with this shit for so long..

Jack is amazing. Ill be fucking honest. He made me smile. He made me feel better when I had a nightmare. . I dont know how many times hes stopped a video to help my useless self.

Im sorry..

(There was a pause. A minute of just Mark sobbing into his hoodie sleve.)
Wade and Bob helped me as well. They never got tired of me being so bossy like im so important.

The three of them letting me act all important was nice. It made me happy.

Matt and Ryan. Helped me. They found out I cut and they helped me untill they thought I stopped.

Im sorru for lying to you but I didn't stop.... I just moved to cutting my legs.. Im soo sorry...

Matthias JFred and Ryan helped me as well... Just letting me joing in there videos. Treating me normal. Not like the prick I am...

Just... Don't do what Im doing okay? Lifes amazing and be yourself please. Im doing this for such selfish reasons and im sorry...

Each one of you are amazing and can do wonderful things. I just..

I cant. I am useless. I entertain you guys and thats my whole purpose.

But I just cant keep acting happy..

Jack.. Bob.. Wade.. Matt.. Ryan.. Everyone Im sorry... Please entertain the people who need it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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