Chapter 30 - Tea and Toast

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I awoke late the next morning.  The sun was peeking though the curtains, sending a strip of light directly into my eyes.  As I stretched I was disappointed to feel empty sheets cooling the undersides of my arms.  I had expected a beautiful, warm body to curl into.  Slightly dejected, I got up and crossed the room to the ensuite.  After peeing and brushing some toothpaste over my teeth using my finger, I take my class act back to the bedroom.  Still alone.  And now bare-assed and freezing.

Grabbing a new pair of undies from my bag and my bra from where it got discarded on the floor, I start to get dressed.  I am about to toss on my tank top from the night before when I see one of Lou's t-shirts placed on the foot of the bed.  It's a got well-loved Nirvana logo in the middle, and I adore it.  Placed on top is a scrap of paper with a hastily written note.  I grab it and read the contents:

You caught my attention, you were looking at me first
All that I can see's you waking up in my t-shirt

Cheeseball!  But also amazing.  I think back to the moment when our eyes first locked on the subway, and it seems like we've come so far since then. And we still have so much more to learn about each other.  I smile broadly and giggle like a little school girl.  Oh God!  What is happening to me? I pull the t-shirt on over my leggings, lifting the collar to my nose.  It smells clean and fresh from the laundry, with a faint smell of Lou.  It's not a distinctive aftershave, as I get the impression he doesn't have a favourite, but it is enough of him to remind me of the orgasmic evening we shared last night. 

My cheeks burn thinking about it.  Not only because it was hot as fuck, but because sleeping next to Louis, his body pressing next to mine, felt so good.  The deep hole that took residence in my chest after Wes died doesn't feel as quite vacuous and obtrusive as it once did.  I didn't expect that.  Especially because of another boy.  What does it mean?  Do I care for Louis that deeply?  I shake my head, not wanting to think about the ramifications of falling for Louis.  No, Evynn, just take it one step at a time.  Babysteps.

I run a brush through my hair, tucking it back off my face.  I rub under my eyes one last time, hoping to dislodge any last mascara flakes.  I flirt with the idea putting on a fresh coat, but I decide against it.  If Lou doesn't think I'm beautiful in my most natural state, then he's not the person I want to be with.  There is enough trash out there that makes women feel ugly and ashamed.  I don't want to share my life, or my heart, with anyone who believes in that kind of poison.  A memory of Louis' face looking as me last night flashes across my mind.  Intense and full of desire.  I smile and giggle again.  Yep, not really worried.   Fantastic Fanny and I have it covered.

Laughter emanating from downstairs catches my attention.  Louis.  And a second voice.  My stomach flip flops.  My palms are sweaty.  Oh shit!  Am I really ready to meet the other people in Louis' life?  What if they hate me?  What if I surprise them and they are mortified?  So much for my confident swagger of a few seconds ago.  Really, Evynn.  I roll my eyes internally.  It sucks being a woman sometimes.  Especially when your empathy is out of control. 

Well, I can't hide up here forever.  I head out of the bedroom and down the stairs.  As I go, the gorgeousness of my surroundings sinks in.  Modern, but not too posh, and positively immaculate.  I wonder if this is how Louis decorates his own place too?  And how many place does he own?  Gah!  Rich famous boyfriend.  Wait!  Is he my boyfriend?  Fuck.  No chill, I swear.  Too much to think about. This is not helping my nerves.  The laughter gets louder the closer I get.  I pinpoint the second person to be a male with a deep voice and a slow and deliberate inflection.  British, but a different accent from Lou's.  Probably not a family member.  A friend?

I make it to the hallway outside the kitchen and brace myself for impact.  I am standing in the doorway, steeling my nerves, when Louis catches sight of me.  He makes a beeline straight towards me, scooping me up in his arms and twirling me around.  "Evynn!"  He nuzzles his face into my neck, before dropping me down gently.  He kisses me softly.  "Did you sleep ok?"

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