My Hero - A Larry AU Mpreg One Shot

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Louis' POV

The soothing tones of Harry's voice floated down the stairs and into the kitchen where I stood motionless, staring out the window situated above the sink. The gentle flow of words of Rihanna's Stay. Ironic really, it was me who was desperate for him to stay.

Harry, my Husband of 4 years, was a solider in Afghanistan. He's been on leave for the past 8 months but he was being deported, tomorrow.

You would think that after 9 years of being together it would get easier seeing him leave. But it doesn't, it only gets harder. Every time I stand at the airport waiting for him to arrive, then seeing his face for the first time in a year I fall even further in love with him. I'm never sure if he is going to make it home, but I can't stop him. He loves serving his country and who am I to take that from him.

"Lou?" A pair of damp arms wrap around my body sending goose bumps down my arms,

"Love what are you think so hard about?" I sighed silently, willing away the tears.

"How long will you be away for?" He pressed a lingering kiss to the skin below my hairline,

"Only 10 months, I'll be back before you know it. I'm not on the front line this time, so I'll be fine."

"Doesn't mean I won't miss you." He spun me around pressing me tightly against the kitchen sink,

"I'll be able to write more often, and maybe video call more than once a month. We'll be ok love, I promise."


Saying goodbye is never easy. But being surrounded by many other families saying goodbye does make me feel like I'm not alone in this, they feel the same.

"I'll miss you babe, I'll write as soon as I can." He murmured kissing the side of my neck gently, cautious of love bites he had sprinkled across my neck.

"I'll miss you too, I love you Haz." He pulled back pecking my nose,

"I love you too Boo. This isn't a goodbye though, only a see you later." I nodded sadly curling into his tall, strong frame.

"Doesn't mean I don't miss you." He sighed kissing my head.

"I know Lou, I miss you too. But its ok, it doesn't kill us."

"No but the Taliban might."

Calling on soldiers of the United Kingdom, please assemble at gate 9.

We both sighed,

"See you soon love. I love you." He said kissing my cheek, the smile and excitement on his face warmed my heart.

"I love you too, now get going before they leave you behind." He winked before running off yelling,

"You wish!" I sighed,

"Yeah I do."


February 2nd, Harry's birthday. My dear husband turns 28 today and he isn't here to celebrate it. Its been a month since he left and my heart aches desperately for him.

instead of video calling my gorgeous husband, I was sat in the waiting room at the doctors. Harry had been sent on a research assignment and was out of range for the rest of the weekend, much to my dismay.

Though the past few days I had been feeling dreadfully ill so I took it upon myself to see a doctor, just in case.

"Mr Tomlinson-Styles, the Doctor will see you now." I nodded willing down the sickness in my lower stomach.

"Ah hello Louis, its been a while. Do take a seat." I smiled at the familiar face of my dear friend Liam.

"So, I'm really hoping that this might have something to do with what we discussed last time." I nodded smiling shyly. He smiled,

My Hero - A Larry AU Mpreg One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now