It is in norrway.
shagraht and silenos and muztis and ISC Vortex and Golder was in the band music room and they was wearing:
Shagatrh was wering an black armor and a lether trousers and boots n black hair n corpsepaint.
Golder was wearing a bald hair and spikd jakit and lether trousers and a new rocs boots and spiked coller.
silenos was wearing a shirt of mayehm and black gauntlits and botos and lether trousers too.
muztis was wearing a longblack robewhat was black and some shoes n a t shirt of cradel of filth and corpse paint with black lipstik.
they was playing some songs of dimmu and songs from Deth kult armagedon album. suddenly their was a flash of ligth and a portel opened up in the band music rooom.
''OMG'' said muztis and droped his keybord.
''whot is dat?'' said ISC Vortex
''I duno guyz'' said Shagraht
it was a red portel like a hell portel and satans demon's was flying out of it.
''lets go in teh portel'' said Silenos
they went in the portel and was teloportid.
''were r we?'' said ISC Vortex
''It look's liek willy wonkers choclit factory'' said Shagraht
''omg cool'' said Muztis becuz he lieked choclit a lot.
Willy Wonker came in teh room
''wow dimu borgir it is relly U. Vark vikernse sent me 2 show u the secret of blackmetal in my choclit factory.''
''wow cool'' said silenos.
he went into teh choclit room and said
''dont drink or ate the choclit in here guys''
ISC vortex did not lisen and ate the choclit in the river and he fell in the choclit.
''Omg'' said silenos, but it was 2 late.
they went in the next room and Willy wonker said
''Do not touch teh bubbelgum in dis room''
wen he left teh room, Silenos ate the gum and explodid.
''oh f*k'' said Shagraht
then they went in a boat on a choclit riveragain and Golder lent over the boat.
''dont do dat!'' said Willy wonker, but golder fell off teh boat and in the choclit river.
There was some little migets on the side of teh river and Shagraht asked ''who are dose guyz? they r so short lel.''
''Dat is the Dani filth's, they work for me making choclit.'' said Willy wonker.
''omg wow'' said mustiz.
then they went in2 a room with soda.
''do notdrink da soda in here.'' said Willy wonker
Muztis drunk the soda and flew away.
Shagraht went in2 the last room and willy wonker said ''wow ur band relly sucks. they dont lisen to any thing.''
''yeh I know right'' said Shagraht
''get out of here, u will cok up my stuf'' said willy wonker
''omg harsh'' said shagraht
''kiding U shagy, u won the chellenge'' said willy wonker.
he took shagrth into an secret room n said, here is da secret varg said to show U. he give shagraht a peice of paper what was pink.
''wow cool, I wish my freinds didnt die so I can figur it out with them 2'' said Shagraht
''they did not die, da dani filth's herded them up an they are here 2'' said Willy wonker
''cool'' said shagraht and muztis silenos ISC and golder was there covered in choclit.
he opened the paper.
it said ''U R gay. love from Varg'' on it
''its true guyz we r the gayest black metal band in the world.'' said Shagraht
''omg wow'' said muztis.
then dey were back in da music room and made a bad album called abreahadebreaha
The end.