Love me- heal me.

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Dean returns to his room in the bunker after a long day, a long hunt. Sam and he managed to exorcise the demon, but Dean has bad scratches all over his body. His brother has, too, but he seems to be fine. Dean pretends to be as well, but deep inside he feels an aching pain rising. Feels his own demons feeding on his deepest fears and insecurities...It's intimidating. He is so desperate, so exhausted of this life. There is this feeling of not being estimated or loved enough...Technically, Dean knows he is wrong, but how long will he be able to live the life he does, even if he survives all these creatures from day to day? What is killing the bad good for if he isn't able to exorcise his inner demons, anyway?
Sam surely would understand him, but he can't show him these feelings. He has to stay strong for him to feel save. No, he won't give in. Sam would worry too much.
All he wishes for this night is someone to take care of him. Like he does for Sam. Has been doing all the time. Since he was born.

Dean is about to care of a serious cut just above his right eye and finally get into bed when he suddenly hears the unclosed door opening a little more.
"Sam?", he asks. But he doesn't get an answer. Without turning around, he knows who it is. "Cas." Quietly, Cas steps up to him until he almost touches his skin. Dean senses the feeling of comfort banish the bad, depressing ones and feels his heart opening up. Cas is such a lovely creature. He finally turns around to look him in the eyes. These blue, angelic eyes. "Cas. Good to see you, but I was just about to go to bed, so you can spend the night on the sofa in front of the warm furnance or...", his voice breaks a little bit as he says so, "you can sleep in my bed tonight. Because...I'm always comfortable when you are around." He stares into the void. Without saying anything, Cas passes him closely and sits down on the bed, then almost seeming to smile at him. Dean's face lightens up as he notices. He undresses until he is only wearing his shorts. Then, with a smile on his face that even reaches his green, now again shining eyes, he gets under the sheets and turns to face Cas, who has not let Dean out of his sight since he came in. Dean reaches out to touch him. With his eyes slowly closing, he strokes Cas's chin which he seems to like, as he squeezes his eyes for a moment. Soon, Dean is asleep but he can still feel the softness of velvetly soft fur on his rough skin and the healing power Cas sends through him in his veins. And while he dreams of a wonderful world in which Sam and he live happily with their parents, the beige cat just sits there all night, watching him with these angelic blue eyes, protecting him from all the bad this world comes up with for the Winchester.

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