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A woman. That's all that the painting showed. But this woman held his attention. Her long black/blue hair framing a softly rounded face hidden in shadows. Slightly pouted lips the held a coral color . The small, lithe yet curved shape of her body , draped in fine materials with golden cuffs around her wrists and ankles. The thing that stood out the most the was the ring. On her left ring finger was a thin gold band adorned in bright pieces of sapphire and diamonds in the shape of a heart. The ring looked so familiar. He felt as though he had forgotten something very important. But then again he had forgotten everything about his past but this woman seemed key to all of that.

( Promise me you won't forget.

I promise my little bird. )

Yami shook his head at the portrait before him. This woman must've been important for her portrait to take up such a large portion of the Soul Room's wall. The door had appeared out of thin air as soon as he returned to the puzzle. He went inside without a second thought. Now here he was. He let his gaze wander around the room. An intricate bow and quiver set lay on a pedestal off to the side. Upon further inspection he saw a small carving of a dog howling at the moon on the quiver.

( Oh this thing. My aniki gave it to me.)

Yami paused at the brief memory. Another important object it seemed. Yami moved to leave them room when something stopped him. A small pillow sat on the floor in a corner amongst a pile of jewels and gold. On the pillow was a masculine version of the ring in the portrait . The gems seemed to shine with an etherel glow. Tamil felt something call to him and picked up the ring. Unbeknownst to him , the portrait behind him had stopped its pouting look and now held a pained smile , as if remembering something sad .

( I promise to love you forever)

A flash of light overtook the room before immediate darkness settled in .


Yami awoke to a worried Yugi hovering over him .

" Yami are you ok"

Yami merely shook his head positive and moved to rub his eyes when a glint of light caught Yugi's attention. 

" Hey Yami ?  Where'd you get that ring ? "

Yami froze and looked at his hand . The same ring from the spirit room now adorned his left ring finger . He tried taking it off but it held fast . The ring had one more surprise though . Light danced around the golden band as words were etched into the precious metal .

Don't Forget Me 


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