2015 ♫

216 12 9


Saturday's were always peaceful and filled with cleaning. It was just my two babies and I. As I was cleaning the downstairs bathroom, I heard the door open knowing that it was Anthony and my baby boy Aiden. "Mommy mommy!" I heard my five year old call. "Bathroom" I said giving him just a clue to where I was at. Soon, I heard his little feet run to where I was at. As I was wiping down the sink, I heard him out of breath. A small smile crept on my face as I turned around looking at him.

"Tired yourself out huh?" I said bending down to his level laughing a bit, I ran my hand over his braids, "So what you and daddy get at the store?" I asked and as if on cue Ant said, "Baby look what I got A." Aiden smirked and that's when I knew it was something he had no business getting. I placed the rag down and then took the gloves off, walking with my hands on my hips to the living room.

My eyes, widened. "Ant..." I said looking at the bike with wide eyes. Ant knew better, Aiden didn't know how to ride a damn bike.

"Baby. I know, I know what you're thinking 'He can't even ride a bike Ant'." He said in my voice which made me laugh. "Which is why I am going to teach him. So he and I can bond." Ant added and then came over to me kissing my lips. I smiled, "Alright. I just don't want him getting hurt" I stressed.

"Baby. He is a boy he'll be fine..." Ant reassured and I nodded. "Alright."

"Yay, yay, yay!" Aiden screamed.

"A, come on we can go out now!" I heard Ant say as I turned around going back to the bathroom to finish cleaning. "Be careful!" I yelled hoping the both of them heard me.

Sad to say, since Aiden was the only child and only grandchild he was spoiled but Anthony and I made sure to discipline him so he wouldn't be a brat. Of course out of Ant and I, I was the stricter parent. Ant and Aiden were two peas in a pod, more like twin so it was likely that Ant was Aiden's friend more than a parent. That was okay to some extent and Ant knew that.

I flicked the light switch off, cutting the light of the bathroom off. For some reason I felt this feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't described it, it felt like a mother's intuition about her child. So me being a very cautious mom I went outside, standing on the porch. I looked to my left, then my right spotting them. Aiden was on the bike and of course Ant was helping him.

"Look mommy!" Aiden smiled screamed waving at me. I waved back.

"Hands on the wheel!" Anthony spat and I gave him a thumbs up for being cautious. I smiled, then went back into the house feeling way better. I exhaled of relief then began to light a candle in the kitchen, to give off a soothing, delightful and relaxing fragrance in the atmosphere. I leaned against the counter taking it all in, the opening of the door caught me off guard.

"Babe, I have to get my phone. So I can video record this!" Ant came running in the house. I smiled, the suddenly said. "Where is Aiden?" I yelled as he went into the living room to get, I assume, his phone.

"Huh?" He spoke.

"Outside." I said and once I said that.


Both Ant and I ran outside and I couldn't believe my eyes, everything else was a blur. In the middle of the street, there was a black Honda and then Aiden's bike. "Baby!" I screamed going over to Aiden's limp body in the middle of the street. The driver came out the car, "Ma'm I am so sorry"

I wasn't even paying attention, but I did hear Ant get on attack mode and his attack mode wasn't pretty at all. I bent down picking up Aiden, I noticed the pool of blood he was laying in and instantly cried.

"Mo...mmy.." I heard him faintly say, I looked at his temple to see his pulse and brace myself for the damages that were soon to come. His pulse began more faint until it jut wasn't there anymore.

"Aiden!" I shook him

"Aiden..." I cried, shaking him all together.

In my arms. My baby died. This has to be any mother's worst fear, I looked at my baby's lifeless body and nothing else mattered anymore. Shit. My life didn't matter anymore.

"This motherfucker kill my son!" I heard Ant say and the sound of an Ambulance in the distance, but none of that mattered to me.

I began to hyperventilate and cry as the same time.

"Ma'm, please" I heard someone say, I looked up to see someone from the Ambulance trying to soothe me as another tried to take Aiden's body away from me. "Nooooo" I said as I saw them placing the body bag on the ground. I turned away, I dare not see them put my baby's body in a bag. The man tried to get me off the ground but I refused, I stayed seated on the ground, in my son's blood.

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