Maybe I didn't want to float.
Skimming the tops of this murky water, I've come to realise that there is a whole world underneath me. One of fish, of tangled brush swaying like it was dancing with the current, one of sunken bottles; or sunken memories. There was a whole world underneath me, one that I would never discover.
I felt the same about you.
Your eyes were glowing, it really felt as though you were alive. When I met you all those months ago I thought I was difficult, you proved me wrong. You were another world I would never discover.
You were a dense forrest of green surround you in the morning, a hot summer breeze kissing the back of your neck at noon and a light rainfall of tears at dusk. You were weather, something uncontrollable, something we could only hope would stay stable. Something that could bring life but also take it away, you liked that though.
You liked this idea that people had built for you, you found comfort it in. Because if people already thought they knew you, you didn't have to show the real you.
I was lucky. I was lucky because you decided to show me the real you. Even though sometimes the real you made me sad, I was lucky.
We were so different, opposites really do attract. Your stormy heart and my bland soul, we were so different.
That difference made us whole.