She's on sleeping pills,doesn't remember any thing,and is only twenty. Cleo is a collidge student currently,has a fun,party life.She always wears what's hot and stylish. She is very popular,cool and always been the girl the guys want to date,She's careless,I guess thats why she ended up being snatched by a serial killer.
She opens her eye's slowly almost like a angle would do. She takes a good look at her suroundings ,looking for something to take advantige of something for a weapon. The serial killer walks right up in her face."I didn't properly introduce myself.I'm Felix." He gives he a crookes smile then asks her her's. She soesn't reply. He whips his hand acroos her face leaving a big red spot."Are you going to answer me?"his vioce storming with anger. "Cleo..." she whispers. he gives a evil grin." well,hello Cleo." She just stares at him. "I like you, your.. just different."he tells her. Why was he saying this? He's no friend,even wierder that he isn't usally kind. "Arn't you going to say anything nice back?" "tha...." Her voice trails off because her jaw hurt so much from when she got slappd on the face. "exuse me I didn't hear you." "Thanks." As she warms up the metal chair with her heat, she realized that she could use the spray paint in his eyes.He walks away from her returning sooner than ever catching her reatching for the can. "wait! Pleae don't hurt me!" she pleaded. "why souldn't I? You were trying to escape!" Thinking what this will do to her futre."I like you to.:" He staires into her eyes looking for her show of being a liar. She knew she would not esscape withount making up some lie or esscape.