Lunch (pt1)

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The glistening sun shone through the white linen curtains. A breeze seeped through the gaps of the wooden frame on the stained glass window.

Your long hair was sprawled all over your scented pillow covers. The blankets hid your body which was only covered by underwear and an oversized shirt.

Your phone sitting beside your beside table rang. You looked at the bright screen and saw a name that you thought you would never have to see again.


You picked up the phone and answered it with sleep still present in your voice

"No" you stated knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"You haven't even heard what I have to say," he replied clearly offended by your response.

You abruptly ended the call only to be bombarded by another. You picked it up.


"I was only going to ask you to coffee today. Jeez. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" A worried Iris answered

"Sorry Iris. I was talking to-- Never mind. I'll meet you at Jitters in 10"

"Ok sure, but don't bring your weird mood with you!"

"Yeah yeah. Very funny."

You slothed out of bed and grabbed your black jeans, shoes and a jacket. You already had a shirt on so there would be no point in changing.

You walked out into your living room only to see a Leonard Snart sitting on the couch.

"I am not even going to ask how or why. Im just going to walk out and have my coffee. Like any other normal day"

"That's mine," he stated taking a sip out of his coffee.

"What the shirt? No. You're not the only person with this shirt Leonard"

He hated it when you called him by his first name so you did it often. You walk around into the kitchen and open up the fridge. You get out an apple and take a bite out of it. You turn around and Snart was standing right in front of you. You avoided the gaze of his piercing blue eyes.

Its worth it.

"No Leonard. I was there once and I managed to get out. I am not going back. I like my job. I like my pay. I do not like you." You ordered.

"Harsh. Cold. I like it" Every once in a while, Snart would flirt with you and you hated it. So you decided that you wouldn't let it get to you. But his sly ways caused you to fall head over heels for the bad boy.

You managed to squeeze out of the space between you, him and the fridge and started walking towards the door.

"I have a coffee meet in..7 minutes. So I'm gonna go. Out that door. Over there. And you are not going to follow me. You are going to stop breaking into my apartment and stop trying to do whatever your trying to get me to do"

In all honesty, you didn't mean to say that. You liked it when he would break in unexpected. You liked hearing his gruff voice over the phone. You liked his presence. But you didn't like him. You continuously forced yourself to think that you didn't like him. You couldn't like him.

"Seriously. Women. So complicated. Would you stop-- "
Before he could finish his comment you'd already walked out the door. You ran down the stairs and walked out of the apartment complex. Regretting how you talked you him. Several times you looked back to see if he was following you but unfortunately there were only lifeless beings scrambling about trying to get to their time consuming day jobs.

Hey guys! Part two will be up asap. I just wanted to know if you guys wanted yo do requests. If you do do want to request please do do request.

Im sorry. It was right there and i took it. I had to take it

Stay Fantabulous 💘

Leonard Snart Oneshots x Reader Where stories live. Discover now