Trial 1

15 3 0


like an artist she covered her bruises with makeup.

she dresses like an autumn model year-round

cloaking herself with long sleeves and denim jeans.


mother tried to beat the beauty out of her.

disgusted by watching a flower bloom

and looking in the mirror-

to see her own wilted pedals.


father sharpened his tongue,

dipping it in poison before he chose to speak to her

bitter because 15 years ago,

he became a father to a daughter instead of a son.


She was like a magnet

drawing the negativity out of people,

the ugliness shot out at her like fireworks

she was burned, scarred, and breaking...


Just. Only. Breaking.

her hope lustered throughout her misery


dreamed for an escape

so she lived and cried by day

then dreamed and soared by night

Because when hope and dreams are the only things you have left;

you're left with an infinity.


I wanted to start on a positive note guys!

But there is more to come!

I write poetry ALL THE TIME I just don't take the time to post it.

So, here you go! :)


BTW!!!: The song is Drive by Gemineyes

Poems by The UnwantedWhere stories live. Discover now