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My Name Is Liam M'rauet (Mm-Raw-Way) I'm seventeen years old and I live on the planet of Kandor .Kandor is an earthlike planet.This planet has five major landmasses, with the three largest centered around the North Pole and between the equator and South Pole. It has an average surface temperature of about 57° Fahrenheit. Its average temperature has been fairly stable over the last decade, and it experiences moderate levels of geological activity all over the planet. Easily-mined metals are scarce. I live on Kandor in an orphanage with my little brother Axel who's three years old. About 3 years ago the humans fled earth due to an invasion by a human like alien race called Wixilians from a planet called Edon Prime.

They are industrious, highly intelligent and war loving humanlike creatures with the ability of pyrokinesis. The atmosphere of their planet has become toxic due to centuries of war and pollution. The rich now live inside large bio-domes, safe from the deadly effects of breathing the atmosphere, while the poor are forced to live outside. To end this way of living they waged war on the nearest earthlike planet. They consider sparring still to be both an art-form and a sport. They destroyed everything in their path, or anything that obstructed them from claiming planet earth. The humans put up a  fight but it was too late.

Their technology was so advanced resistance was almost futile. Only a handful of people escaped my mom was among the few who escaped. She was brilliant young scientist who figured out that the wixilians were coming and contacted them by doing so she made contact with my dad they communicated and they gradually fell in love. She warned the people of earth and told them that the wixilians were coming but people called her crazy, delusional and all kinds of names but turn out she was right all along. Three years past and people just didn't heed my mom's warnings. After a few years my dad came to earth to live with my mom.

Five years later he married my mom and a year later I was born. The wixilians were afraid of humans because deep within all humans lies the power of Omnikinesis. It can only be unlocked when a hybrid is born: a perfect mixture of wixilian and human DNA called a "Daken" alias me, so my very existence was a crime and a threat to their way of life.My father didn't care though because he loved my mom and I although we had to be kept a secret we were happy .I was fourteen when the wixilians were about to attack the earth,my mom gave birth to my younger brother and shortly after my dad returned to Edon Prime to join the wixilian fleet.

When the wixilians arrived the humans were shocked, I utterly amazed by the carnage my father's people caused killing was so easy for them it almost looked beautiful . Bodies were strewn everywhere, everywhere humans were either being ripped to pieces or reduced to smoldering piles of ash. I closed my eyes but the damage was already done, I cried out in anguish as I fell to my knees,releasing a wave of pyrokinetic energy eradicating the life of  everything  near to me.

I curled up in a ball and started to cry I closed my eyes as tears streamed down my face suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up, I opened my eyes to see that it was my father's hands. He lifted me up and started running towards a wixilian ship shortly after my mother joined us cradling my brother in her arms. When we arrived at the ship my parents came in and were busy programming a flight course set to the planet of Kandor.I saw my parents step out of the ship and closed the hatch as the ship revved up  and took flight. I thrashed at the hatch screaming my parents name at the top of my lungs, but they simply watched on. When I looked down I saw a note saying:

Dear Liam,

If you are reading this note it's because your father and I can no longer be with you and Axel. By simply being together and having  you and Axel we committed a crime against both the human and wixilian race, we have to face justice for our actions and we cannot involve you in this. You Liam are a perfect mixture of wixilian and human DNA unlike Axel and because of this you will have extraordinary powers and an a amazing mental capacity. Never forget that the price of greatness is responsibility.We sorry son but this was the only way for you to survive.Remember your father and I will forever love you dearly,with deep sympathy.

                                                                                                               -Love Mom

P.S In order to keep you safe and to protect you and Axel this letter will desolve in an hour after you have read it along with any memory you have of earth and your powers.But when your powers have matured fully everything will  surface again......your memories and this letter.

After I read the letter I cried myself to sleep, and my life has never been the same since. Four years have passed since the invasion, I regained my memory and guess what .......I have a bad feeling that the wixilians are certainly coming to finish the job they started.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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