The Prologue

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They'd already had a long history together, that's for sure. From Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW) to where they were last week sitting in Mr. McMahon's office being pitched a new idea formulated by CM Punk himself for a new faction in the WWE, Colby thought he'd finally rid himself of Jonathan Good for well good, but apparently fate had other plans for the two.

Colby had to decide by the end of next week whether he wanted to take the opportunity to break into the WWE in a group they were calling "The Shield" with Jon and Joe (his name was actually Leati but he preferred to be called Joe). It was the opportunity that Colby had been waiting for since the start of his training and especially since the start of his time in FCW. However, he currently had two problems. The first and more superficial reason was that he'd only just become the first ever NXT champion five weeks earlier and if he took the opportunity, he'd have to relinquish the title. He just felt like he'd be starting all over again so soon after finally reaching the top. However he was willing to sacrifice that to finally start his WWE journey, it was the second reason that he was the most skeptical about.

See Colby was bisexual, it's not a fact that he hides if someone asks him he's more than willing to tell the truth; it's just not something he shouts out to the world especially with just getting out of a serious relationship with his ex-fiancée Leighla but that's also part of the problem. He takes some responsibility for their break-up (okay, quite a lot actually) but the fans only know what the WWE wanted him to say and that was that the photographs he'd sent were to a woman called Zahra when really... they were sent to Jonathan.

So, now you see the problem. The photographs were never meant to mean anything, at least he didn't think so at the time. Being on the road can be... lonely and wanting company is something that every wrestler wouldn't deny they craved whilst stuck in hotel room after hotel room.

A few weeks prior to the photographs he'd met Jonathan Good for the first time. He was a decent guy, obviously from a much rougher background and indie career than himself but still undeniably attractive and he wasn't afraid to admit that. From the word go, he'd found Jon attractive and during their first few training sessions, Colby thought he could see in Jon's stares and secret glances that it was a mutual attraction. So he'd started to mess around a little. No he never cheated and he'd always stick to that, what he did with Jon was never cheating. They flirted harmlessly in person and over text messages for a few weeks, it helped to relive a little tension in them both.

The photographs occurred on one such night when both of them were lying in bed in separate parts of the same hotel and obnoxiously texting each other.

CoLopez: You know you shouldn't wear shorts that tight to the gym, you never know what perverts could be watching...

JonnyBoy: I think I know exactly which perverts were watching...

CoLopez: Yeah Darren does seem like the type to be into younger guys.

JonnyBoy: We both know Darren wasn't the only one who enjoyed the view, don't we babe.

CoLopez: I am neither going to deny or confirm those accusations... although I thoroughly enjoyed my shower afterwards so thank you for that.

JonnyBoy: Hey! That's unfair, I think I deserve a few images of my own don't you?

CoLopez: *Image attached* you mean like these?

CoLopez: Hello? Jon? You still there?

He never did get a reply and it was after that, that everything went downhill. Leighla had decided to surprise him with a visit to his final one of one match with Jon and during her time there she discovered the conversations and images between them and without even an explanation called off their engagement and started to bad mouth him on every social media account possible. The one thing he was thankful for was that she never outed him or said who the images were sent to but she did post them online publicly which wasn't exactly the greatest experience but he got through it.

His friendship with Jon on the other hand that never reverted back to the way it was. They hardly spoke two words to each other after that, Colby was disappointed for sure but he understood. He'd clearly not read the situation correctly and Jon was just banter flirting. He'd said sorry multiple times but Jon always seemed to shake it off and move on.

He hadn't spoken to Jon in nine months, since their triple threat match at FCW against Joe so walking into Vince's office and seeing Jon there was a rather shocking surprise.

Colby sat on his hotel room bed in the middle of Orlando, Florida and thought though his options. Deep down, he knew he'd say yes. In a weird way he was excited to work with Jon again, to finally repair the damage he had caused all those months ago once and for all.

He picked up his mobile from the bed side table and tossed it back and forth in his hands, he knew he should just text Jon. Let him know that he was willing to do this if he was and if he wasn't willing to work together then Colby would drop out and stay in NXT for a little longer until his next opportunity arose. Jonathan needed this more. He never made the transition into NXT like all the others did, he was given a WWE storyline from the start to face Mick Foley- lunatic vs lunatic in a way. However, that fell through when Foley wasn't cleared by the medical staff to compete and so Jon was left on the back burner just waiting for his next chance and this was it, so Colby wasn't going to destroy that for him.

CoLopez: Hey, I know things aren't exactly normal between the two of us but I just wanted you to know that I'm willing to try this whole shield thing but if you don't want me to do it then that's okay too...

JonnyBoy: It's fine Colby, I'm looking forward to working with you again. See you on Monday.

The relief seemed instantaneous. Jon had given his permission, the shield was officially a go.

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