lesson 1. Pizza

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I would like to start with the lesson.  But that isn't interesting,  so I will not.

Pizza, it should always be spelled with a capital 'P'. Not because this is grammatically correct,  and to be sure and fair if a grade at school,  or even an argument hands in the balance one should spell it however it may be correct in that case.  Unless of course that argument is with your significant other:

If you are dating or married to someone who doesn't not respect this small tribute to the wonder that is pizza... I'm so very sorry; However, it's not about pizza. 

It's about defending your ideals, your morals, and your side.  If you're wrong,  admit it. Don't be that person. But if you're right,  you're right.

That being said,  some people don't like pizza. I know... I know!! How could they? The bastards! But alas,  it is true, and because I am generous and want as many people to like me as possible, I have a compromise for the pizza haters;

Whatever you like.

I like pizza. You like pie, or apples,  or fried raccoons sphincter buttered on a stick, it doesn't matter. Defend your pizza with pizzazz, but throw it out if it's moldy. Your pizza is what you strive for.  It is your perfection,  your ideal,  even if you don't know it yet.

When you put your pizza out there, people take it, people throw it away, and people disrespect it. But if you charge for it, people have a lot more forethought before fucking with your pizza. By the same tolken: With the money, time, and/or resources gained from selling or renting your pizza, you can easily buy another pizza, or obtain the ingredients to make your own. Some brands are better than others, but the end product depends on you and how you treat it and prepare it. If you burn the pizza,  it's your fault.

Know yourself, if you suck at cooking, DON'T TRY TO MAKE A FUCKING PIZZA IF YOU CANT REPLACE IT. It's a waste of resources. However if you're trying to learn how to cook,  messing up here and there is natural.
Accept and learn from problems, if you do,  they're experience points, like a video game.  If you don't they're like that one boss you can't beat.

You have something you like,  but if you get worked up because other people don't like it then you're far too cramped in the already tiny world you've constructed for yourself inside your head. Get a fucking grip on reality, things don't revolve around you or pizza. Things don't revolve. You're on the river of life, filled with rapids and undertows. Build you and your pizza a fucking boat and think ahead. The more you get caught up in yourself the less you can deal with problems that arise.
Don't daydream during a nightmare, that only makes it worse.

Open up to others ideas,  because otherwise you'll never find out if you like other things!  Have you ever had alligator?  It's fucking delishious. What about pistachio Gelato? A delicacy! Indian food?  I swear on my phallic organs it's the best food I've ever had. Fried raccoons asshole buttered on a stick?  Kinda chewy...

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