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Normally when girls wake up in the morning, they smile and look at how pretty they're and choose out their outfits with matching heels. Yay! I gagged to myself how can anyone be that happy like they're stuck in candycane prison. 

Nope first things first I'mma realest got twenty.... After singing fancy to myself I pull myself up to get up and start the day, and let me tell you now I hate prepping myself and spending 3 hours getting dressed. When i finally do get my bloody arse off my bed I tie my hair up into a bun/ponytail ugh I can't tell difference staring into the mirror its like hanging off my head anyway. I shove on my Christmas jumper which has c'est jolie written on it and stuff my feet into my slippers, running as fast as i can down the stairs for breakfast cause a girl's gotta eat.

The first thing I see is my mum making pancakes (my fave) whilst doing her nails and looking through a summer magazine. Yep with magic you don't need to concentrate on one thing at a time cause its like an extra helping hand. Oh yeah I'm a witch. Hi mum how are you? She finally looks up acknowledging me, "Oh darling here's your breakfast pancakes with blueberry bits." I munch on them letting it melt onto my tongue carefully sifting through blueberry bits, what? I love food. My mother looks me up and down before she groans, " Honey its mid June, why are you wearing that hideous jumper grandma Erna gave you and goodness would it kill you to run a brush through your nest of hair?"

You see that's the difference between me and mum, she's all about fashion and I'm all about non-fashion it's a compromising relationship not. Don't get me wrong she looks gorge with brunette locks and green speckled eyes, her choice of colours look great but that's just not me. I like to worry more on my magical studies learning about the mystic jue beasts and studying other rare and fanatic beasts. I love to read sapien novels and listen to their music its groovy. I don't like doing my hair or doing my makeup or even day dreaming about shopping. No that's not what Alissa Lucreatia Monroe likes doing but that always goes amiss with my darling mother Natalia Lily Monroe its like she goes deaf and old whenever I list ANY of these things. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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