I was sleeping and I heard a strange noise. It sounded like an explosion. The ship was no luxury liner. It was very unexpected. I woke up with a start, just after four in the morning.
I leaned over and looked at the bunk below. Jessica was still sleeping.
I got dressed and climbed down. Normally I'm a sound sleeper. I would have gone back to sleep. I don't know why I got up. It was the sort of thing Jessica would do.
I shook Jess. I said "Jess, I heard a funny noise. Let's go exploring"
She looked at me sleepily, said 'Ok' and then fell over. "Oh Jess!'
I opened the cabin door. We walked down the corridor. I stopped at Mom and Dad's door and considered knocking on it. I looked at me watch and decided against it. Dad liked his sleep. We climbed to the main deck to have a look outside. Maybe we could spot a shooting star or something. I was thinking about that as we climbed upstairs. I had already forgotten about the funny noise