My Visit to earth

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My name is Celeste Amethyst. I live in a planet named Fantasia, I was sent to Earth to study an average human in their wild teenage years in college. I was sent because I am the youngest that can work; my age in human years would be 18. I wasn't too happy to go over there, humans don't have an idea that we exist so I would have to act like a human, they most defiantly don't know how to appreciate intelligence and grow bigger like we did at least that's what they thought me. They lead by feelings something my people have managed to get rid of. I always think that maybe we still have them inside us, just really deep hidden. Though I always wanted to feel them, to feel something, I always been so curious about it... I just don't know what difference it would make.

Chapter 1


I was about to start my trip to Earth, as usual I felt nothing, sometimes I think we are like zombies, just here except well with a lot more brains. That's what we are, an intelligent creature.

"Celeste, remember this is an important mission, you go research them and comeback, you cannot be discovered, While on your trip your alien body will be change in to a human body and everything a human is will be thought to you, though once you have a human you won't be able to change back until you mission is complete unless in rare occasions that something happens to your body, we don't know why it happens yet, In some rare occasions the body slowly start changing not a human neither in to one of us, just something somewhere in the middle, mostly we haven't been able to figure what goes on because when this happens they fall in to serious pain and they died. It only has happen twice, they started getting our symbols in their skin and then the eyes change color and then pain and death, we have turn in to human at least 25 of our people and they all turn back successfully except those two, this information is extremely important if this starts happening to you contact us immediately to see if we can heal it before it kills you got it?" Said my supervisor Selena

"Yes ma am, what about their feelings?" I asked

"Well that's a different manner young one, we can't give you feeling but it will be thought to you just like everything else about a human, though there's a legend that our specie once did had feelings but we manage to push them away, I'm sure if you try hard enough you might be the first one in a million years of our specie to feel emotional feelings, Though no one has been able to, and if you do, we will have to experiment on you to figure out what new thing is in you that allows you to feel, we want our specie to feel again but it's been hard mainly this is why we want to study humans well teenage humans, we have study so many things and yet we never have been able to figure out how to feel" she said

"Alright ma am I'll do my best" I told her and got in to my spaceship. While I was in there, machines started working showing me the knowledge I needed and it just got stuck in my brain, I wonder how we do that never forget anything we see or we are thought. Suddenly rays where going all around me and before I knew it I had a human body. I figure my people learned how to transform us, I still wonder how but again it's not that big of a difference, our bodies look like a human one except we have symbols, we are color light pink, and our hair it's short looks braided up we can never change it and our eyes are red as well as our hair. I got up and look for a mirror. I was amazed at my appearance; my skin was a bit pale, I had long dark brown hair with light brown natural highlights, I stayed short for a human I was a 5'3 the same as before, I was skinny, chocolate brown eyes. I got a couple of curve here and there but not as much as other human girls. Though I liked my new body, I am prettier than I was I think. I learned, humans have to eat, drink and sleep. I could defiantly feel the need to rest. The feelings they were a little more in touch with me, I mean I wasn't sure but I think I'm feeling what human called excitement. I could hardly wait to be on earth and learn more, feel more. Even though I wasn't sure but I was defiantly feeling something. I decided I should let my body sleep and so I lay down on a bed and fell asleep. I woke up and just remember how I thought earth might looked I saw it on a dream. I walked toward the window and notice I was really close to earth. I was supposed to meet the director of the college to pick me up, since I had no one here. My spaceship landed on a hidden cave under the airport, it was a secret cave made by my specie before, here on earth we actually have lots of secrets, I wonder how humans never actually discovered them. I went in to a dressing door, where my people supplied me with clothes humans wear. I put on a black bottom up shirt with some dark blue jeans and some black boots. I put long hair in a ponytail and took my bags. I started filling them with the clothes I liked the best and shoes. Also I had a lot of money that my people provided I was let to known that humans need that a lot and also seek it so I put it a box inside a purse inside my bags. I put any other things necessary for my new body and things that was normal for humans to have like a cell phone and a mp3. I decided I was ready and walked out of my spaceship and locked it. Right there I met Hans, he was one of our people turned in to human yet he hasn't go outside this cave his job is to help me not research.

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