Whatever It Takes - Hetalia (boyxboy)

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Title: Whatever It Takes

Summary: De-anon from Hetalia Kink Meme. Prompt: America/England – He'll kill anyone to protect England.

Pairings: America/England

Warnings: Severe OOCness and violence

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with the Hetalia series

AN: Um...this is by far the darkest thing I've ever written. I couldn't pass this prompt by, though, for whatever reason. No flames, yeah?


"Com'on, guys!" America whined boisterously to the two guards that were standing on either side of a rather inconspicuous looking door with a red flashing light overhead. "It's just me, your beloved hero!"

The two guards shared a look, one of them even having the gall to roll his eyes.

"Sorry, America, sir, but not even you are allowed pass this point," the bulkier of the guards informed him as he adjusted his grip on a rather impressive looking rifle.

America pouted and folded his arms over his chest, clearly put off by the denied entry. He looked at the flashing light in wonder, knowing that beyond that door was an impressive maze of corridors and labs, all ready for developing new and destructive weapons for war.

"What are they doing down there, anyway?"

One guard shifted. "Just a little bit of experimenting, sir, that's all," he replied vaguely.

"Oh, experimenting on what?" America questioned.

They looked rather uncomfortable. "...We can't say, sir."

"How come you guys get to know and I can't?" America pouted again. This was so not fair!

The uncomfortable air just thickened and they shifted on their feet with sudden and jerky movements. "Protocol, sir."

America sighed and adjusted the backpack that was weighing heavily upon his shoulders and back. He really didn't want to have to do this, but they left him with little choice. So...

Two high-pitched cracks rang out and two sets of eyes had widened before glazing over in a glassy sheen. The high-powered weapons they were holding onto clattered uselessly onto the floor before the two guards slumped down to their knees, their backs resting heavily on the wall behind them as the splatter of blood and gray matter stained the wall behind where they once stood.

Adjusting his glasses with one hand, America holstered his 9mm semi-automatic Smith & Wesson into the belt of his pants with the other.

If these two guards had just told him the truth, then maybe he could have spared their lives. But, then again, anyone knowing about how powerful England's magic truly was couldn't afford to live.

He wouldn't chance it.

Squatting down, America searched through the many pockets of the two dead guards, looking for some kind of an item to allow him access through the door. He could easily kick it in, but the noise would be a warning to those inside, giving them time to come up with some sort of a counter measure.

No, he wanted this to be quick and easy. He had no time to deal with any feeble retaliation.

He wanted to get to England before any more damage had been done.

"England's gone!" Canada had cried to him this very morning with tears of fear and concern. "They said some guys in black suits entered his house in the middle of the night and grabbed him! There was blood everywhere! I don't...what do we...? We have no idea where he's been taken!"

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