chapter 1

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Todays the day I move into my friends house and start a new life. I grab my things, say by to my mom and dad, and head out to my car. On my way over I got a phone call.

"hello?" I said

"Hey Danny!! You at your knew house yet?!" my friend kai said

"Dude I just left. Its going to take a few hours to get there."

She laughed and said "Sorry. I am just excited. Did you know where your moving a band called BTS lives there?"

"I heard." I said.  I wish I could just tell her I thought.

"kai we need to eat! Who are you talking to?!" I heard Iris scream in the background.

"I am talking to danny!" Kai said

"Tell Danny I say hi but we need to go if we want to make these reservations!" Iris said

"Well she said hi and I have to go." Kai said

"I heard. tell her I said hi to. Bye." I said then hung up.

By the time I finished talking with Kai I was there. Time flew by. I grabbed my stuff and headed inside. I noticed they were filming something and tried to walk by but Jimin grabbed and pulled into frame of the camera.

"Danny!!" They all screamed.

Jhope pulled me up to the camera and said "This are best friend Danny."

"Jhope no need to show off." I said then flipped my hair causing everyone to laugh.

"Guys please don't get mad but she is going to be living here now. She needed soemwhere to go and our house is always open to her." Jin said

I smiled then said "Guys I am going to put my stuff in my room." I started walking but then turned around and asked "Um...Where is my room?" 

"Here. I'll show you." Jin said then headed down the hall. I went and followed him.

"Here's your room and you have to share it with V. I hope you don't mind." 

"I don't mind what so ever." I said then smiled.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps and my door opening.

"Danny I am so excited to have you living with us." Jungkook said "You'll be like the older sister I never had!" 

" We just finished our live stream and We also have a free day tomorrow. So we can hang out all day!" V said

"Live stream?" I said


Right when he said that my phone went off. I walked over and answered it. I put it on speaker phone.

"Danny!!! You should of said something!!!" Kai said

"Say what?" I asked

"That the friends you were moving in with were BTS." 

"Did I not mention that? Whoops."

Then all of BTS cracked up.

"Danny was BTS listening to our conversation?"

"Maybe..." I said then laughed 

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! Kai!" I heard Iris scream in the background "Danny is living with BTS!"

"Your a little late hun! I am on the phone with her!" Kai said

"Listen Kai I have to go. I will call you tomorrow and talk more about this." I said

"No duh! Bye Danny!"

With that I hung up.

"Sorry guys. They are just huge fans."

"Its no problem. Danny its really late you should get to bed. It was a long drive." Jin said

"Ya. You guys should too. I bet you guys had a long day too." I said

"Night Danny!" They all said

"Night guys." I said then headed into my bed.

While V went to his bed he seemed a bit off. Should I ask him what's up? I looked up and saw him past out in his bed. maybe not. Then I fell asleep.

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