This Book is Mainly about The anime shows we've seen This year. If you are new to anime, then you should look at this book like a guide. In this book, we'll be talking about our opinions a certain anime we recently watched and we will be giving you...
Summary- Kirito and the others decided to go on an underwater quest to allow Yui to see a whale, but face a shocking revelation... SUGUHA IS AFRAID OF WATER! So Asuna, and the other girls decided to teach Suguhua how to swim. Meanwhile, Kirito is meeting somebody.
Predictions- Since it's just a movie, I guess I was gonna follow the description above. I really like how specific Crunchyroll is.
Opinion on Opening- It's not really an opening. They only showed Suguha and Kirito getting ready, then going to their school. The first Opeing song, 'Crossing Fields', was on though.\
Opinion on Movie- The Movie is a bit boring, to be honest. They were only going back to the past, Like Kirito's experience in both SAO and ALO, and how Asuna Met Kirito. It got more interesting in the end when everyone finally did the underwater quest. If you are reading this and you haven't seen it yet, I'll leave that part a secret. It would be a spoiler alet HEHE ^.^.
(Sorry Couldn't find one with English subs on youtube. It is available on Crunchyroll ^.^)
Opinion on Characters- To be honest, I never knew Liz has that girly pervy side of her if you know what I mean. Feels a bit weird to see her that way but it's what makes her really funny. Everyone else besides her is the same as ever.