The meow?

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Gateway: So tired.

Law: Then go to sleep.

Gateway: Then stop being a smartass and be humility.

Law: No

Gateway: 😈. Readers enjoy the story and don't worry about Law. He'll ether live or die.

Law: Help me.


(-Law's pov-)

It was a peaceful night. No pirates out. No crazy drunk men hitting on every girl they see. Everyone asleep. Well not everyone. A pirate known as Law was out taking a stroll. He did this almost every other night. His crew, the heart pirates, called this his Law time. Once in awhile Anya, his 2nd in command, would call this his death time. The reason for that was because there are times when he wouldn't return for 4 days. Only 4 days though. If longer the crew would freak out. Anyway Law was having his time. He was just walking aimlessly. Bumping into some drunks here and there but none less avoiding those out. 'Anya can be such a pain sometimes. I mean I get that she's the strongest person alive and has 3 brothers and an reckless adoptive father let alone a creepy grandfather to take care of but really. Disappearing without telling me. AGAIN!!' Law thought. It was the 20th time Anya had up and disappeared that week. However Law couldn't do a thing about it. She was the captain of the Blood Rose Pirates. And the one who scared the living day lights out of people but still. To Law. Anya was like a little sister. He worried about her. A LOT!! 'I mean. She gets into fights almost everyday. Saying that the other person started it.' Law was so deep into thought he hadn't noticed he walked into the lawless area of the town and the body in front of him."Watch it Targalfer Law. It is best if you think less of others disobedience  and more of their needed help." An old hag sniped.
Law looked at the old lady(?). "Sorry ma'am(?) but I don't have time to talk." Law continued his walk when the lady spook again "What troubles you is something you shouldn't worry about cub." Law ignored her and started to think of Anya's recent disappearance. 'Last time she came back wounded. I wonder why. I'll ask her tomorrow.' The elder lady sighed and stepped in front of Law. Law finally looked at her. He couldn't help but think she was ugly and that she had dared step in front of the great Law. The lady wore an old raged shirt and pants that had patches on them. Her hair was worse then a mold and her face. Oh god her face was horrible. It looked like it came from a mud slid and back.

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"Like I said cub. You should worry less on ones disobedience and more of their needs." The old lady said. Law looked at her with disgust present in his eyes but not his calm neutral expression. "Miss. I don't have time for this. So if you would be so kind and move then that would be nice." Law hissed with disgust. The hag sighed hoping that the boy would listen to her but to no avail. "Then little cub. I place you under a curse. Maybe then you'll stop being this and learn to be humility." With that Law started to feel pain in his body. It grew until it could no longer be held in. Law screamed in pain. He couldn't take it anymore. Just when Law thought he was going to die from all the pain it stopped. Law opened his eyes. The old lady stood in front of him. Looking down at him with pity. "When you learn humility the curse will brake. That is if you learn it. Now let's get you to your cage so your owner can come and get you. He should be here in half an hour." The old lady said as she entered a tent and put Law in a cage.
Then the old lady or as Law calls her hag left. 'What did I do?' Law thought. 'All I did was ask her to move. And what does she mean to look at someone's needs and not disobedience. That's all I do. Sure. I don't fully look at my crews needs  but it's Anya's fault for worrying the heck out of me. I'm just gla-'. Law stopped mid sentence. 'What?' Law squeaked. There was a squeaking sound every time Law tried to say something out loud. 'THATS ME!!??' Law freaked out. Nothing made sense to him anymore. 'Ok so first I was lectured by a hag. Next I was changed into a' Law looked at himself in the mirror that happened to be in front of him. 'I was changed in to a white cub tiger with black stripes. Now I'm trapped in a cage waiting for what the hag called my owner." Law concluded. 'WHAT?! NO ONES GOING TO OWN ME YOU OLD WITCH. GET YOUR UGLINESS BACK HERE AND CHANGE ME BACK!!!' Law screamed. As soon as Law finished the sentence the hag walked in. "So noisy for a baby. What's wrong? Don't like your new form?" The witch laughed. "You should know something's about this curse cub. It can last as long as you live so there is no time limit. However there is a catch. You will start to have more of an animal instinct rather then a human one and on the 5th day of your change you will go back to be a human but as soon as the sun rises you will be a cub once more. This will continue every 5 days until you brake the curse little cub." The witch pulled Law out of his cage and into her arms. While she did this Law started to screech. The hag chuckled. "Do not be scared of me. I am only a pet seller after all. Should I tell you the other way to brake the curse?" Law stopped screeching and looked her dead in the eye. "No. I won't tell you. You must figure it out on your own." The hag chuckled once more. She then started to sing a song. 'What's with this song? Why do I feel sleepy now? I mustn't sleep. I mustn't sle-' Law feel fast asleep grumbling.   
$Time skip brought to you be Gateway laughing in Law's face$

(-/Kidd's pov\-)

Killer. That's all he could say. Kidd was having enough of him. Not just Killer but the crew too. Killing his pets. His cute innocent kittens. No more. Kidd was having no more of it. He was currently walking down lawless area. A lady(?) said that she just got the perfect animal for him. That's right a perfect animal. 'I wonder what it is.' Kidd thought. 'I would be awesome if it was a tiger.' Kidd saw the tent he was looking for and walked in. Quite. The tent was quite. No one was in sight so Kidd decided to walk around. He looked into all cages but one. The animals looked dead. The last cage was quite so Kidd thought nothing was in it. He walked past the cage when he heard soft snoring. Kidd turned around and looked into the cage. There laid a sleeping tiger. It's fur was white with black stripes. It looked soft too. "He would love to be your pet mister. After all he can fight if trained and was born smart. Would you like him?" A horsed voice spook. Kidd jumped and turned around. "No need to fear me. I am only a pet seller." Chuckled the witch. Kidd nodded. "I would like the tiger." The hag walked over to the cage and opened it. "If he gets to wild then you must sing him a song to calm him down. He will fall asleep." The hag reached into the cage and pulled out the sleeping cub. Handing the cub to Kidd. "His name is Dotan." Kidd held the sleeping cub in his hands. "How much?" "Nothing. You can have him for free." The hag replied. Kidd thanked the lady(a/n I swear this is getting wired. Why are they always call the hag lady?) as he walked out. Covering the cub with his jacket in hope of protecting the cub from the cold air. 'Anya's probably waiting at the ship. Why does she always come. She knows Law will be mad at her if he found out. All wells. Her fault not mine.' Kidd thought as he walked to his ship.

(-/Anya's pov\-)

She saw it. She saw her captain be turned into a tiger cub. She saw that disgusting no good bitch sell him to her target. She saw his expression when he looked at her captain. She couldn't take it. She was so close to being like her brother and storming in front of Kidd and yelling at him. She wanted to so bad, but she couldn't. It would help her. She'd have to apologize to Law when she saw him human again. He was kind of her older brother to her. Not only that but she has been disappearing on him a lot. The only reason for that was because if she didn't get Kidd into the alliance then Luffy would be mad and if Luffy was mad then the other D. siblings would be mad. Nothing good comes from the D. brothers being mad. "To Kidd's ship." Anya sighed. "Miss." a voice whispered behind her. Anya turned around. The witch stood in front of her smiling. "Your captain will be fine Anya. Don't worry. My vibrations will see to it." The witch said. "Yes sensei." Anya sighed again as the 'witch' turned in to a tall middle aged looking girl with long brown hair. Half of it was shaved off the other half was left to hang. Her eyes were a deep dark gray. Hiding the mischievous magic behind them. Melody Faith. Bounty of 90 million baris. "Go on to Kidd's ship. I'll be there after I free the witch bitch." Faith spook. Anya nodded and ran off to the ship. "Laws not going to be happy with me but as long as he can see what Anya is doing while he sleeps. Then I'm fine." Faith walked towards the other harbor where her crew lied. To the Red Haired  Pirates.

Gateway: Done. That's the longest I've ever made one.

Law: Grrr

Gateway: shut up cub before I make your part worse 😈.

Law:(hides behind Kidd).

Kidd: damit Anya. Why are you always at my ship again (pick up Law and pets him

Gateway&anya: Baka

Anya: next chapter. I'm sorry captain. (Walks to emo corner.)

Roger: Anya. My poor child.

Gateway&kidd: where did you come from?!?!?!

Roger: I came to tell you to hurry it up. The readers have a life ya know.

Gateway: I know(sits with Anya in the emo corner).

Mihawk: I'll guess I'll do it. Readers(glares) comme-

Gateway: to mean. Readers. I hoped you enjoyed this story because I know I did 😈(looks at law). Please comment and such. I would die if you didn't. Oh and still don't worry about Law. He'll live. I think. Bye bye. 😁

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