run wolf, run

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Chapter 1 | The Past

"Every thought is a battle, every breath is a war, and I don't think I'm winning anymore." ----- anonymous

    The World around me is muffled through the pain. My senses are spinning, trying to find an answer for the dizziness and confusion. My head found it when someone landed another kick on my stomach. My throat, a toxic and sick feeling crept up, and very soon my lunch was on the pavement on the side of the road.

They laughed and taunted, some even disgusted that I even threw up. Eventually throwing my lunch up was the final straw, as they all left content in the quest to beat people up.

And leaving me to die again. I stayed where I was, the world around me seemed to forget me in a way. It was peaceful until I remembered who I was, and where I was. I slowly stood up, and my head pounding rhythmically as I held to my sides in pain.

I walked towards to beat-down house around the street corner, my stomach constantly turning and shifting in anxiety. But everything calmed down a little when I saw all the lights were out, and the car was gone.

As I unlock the door, the silence is toxic, and the darkness of the house adds to it. I wheeze up the stairs and into the small bathroom. In a flick of light, a stranger stared at me. His dark blonde hair was now tangled blood and grim, his eyes were dark, and the bruises were beginning to form everywhere on his body.

It took me a while to realize that in fact, that stranger was me in the mirror. I slowly peel off the bloody torn shirt and turn the water on. As I step into the warm water, my body was already on the verge of collapsing.

That's where I break down. Biting into my hand, my whole body shaking, moving the water with it. The bent-up emotions rose, but I quickly breathe, this is not a good time to panic.

The bloody mess was off and left the reveal more scars, and new bruises. As I try myself off, my thoughts drifted to my day. It wasn't on purpose I had stepped into the room where Mason and Sarah were making out-- those two caused more pain and misery than any other person in the world.

As I go off the small, cramped room all the way tucked from people's view, a blue backpack waited for me. The one and the only decent looking thing I possess.

As I crawled towards it I could hear the yelling of arguments outside the house. Curiosity got the best of me as I peeked through the small crack of the dark window.

There were two people there, a man and a woman, they seemed to be arguing about something. I immediately recognize them as Mom and Dad. My mind is clouded and I let myself fall to the cold blanket below me. I take out the small picture frame from the blue worn out backpack.

There was a small boy with two doting parents, and a loving older brother. Those were simpler times where I could be me, and not having to worry about anything in the world. As I start to close my eyes those images start to bring peace to my troubled mind for once.


I wake up in a sweat. People are yelling downstairs, I start to panic as I hear footsteps start coming upstairs. Their footsteps stop to a stop as they stop below me, and continue on their way.

"Alex! Get your ass down here!" The man who has been treating me like dirt shouts making me jump. As I slid down I shake myself to prepare myself for what am about to face.

"Yes, sir? Do you need anything?" My voice was lower than usual,  for some reason the man wasn't drunk or high like he would usually be in. Instead, he stood there with a dark suit, and a woman hooked under his arm.

"I want you to prepare a room for this lady, understood?" I nod, as it took me leaving, for them giggling, and whisper to each other. It truly disgusts me how he would sleep with another woman apart from his true mate. As I furnished the room with the finishing details I hear them coming upstairs.

As I quickly retreat when I hear moaning, and creaking making run even faster to my room. My wolf -- someone I haven't spoken in years -- suddenly growls making a stop in shock. I shake it off as I try to sleep on the cold wooden floor.

We shouldn't be treated like this!

His complaints and rants have kept me in thinking about how life would be if we didn't have these invisible chains on us.

We should run far away from here.

This stops my heart completely. Me leaving this place behind? Becoming a rouge, something everyone despised with hatred? Yeah, no thank you.

What do we have to lose?

He was right even though, I looked through the small peephole. No one was outside, and the man was busy with another woman. Mom. . . Well, she won't bother. I pick up the blue old-worn, torn backpack, and the blanket. As I step foot out the door of the attic I hear the moans and creaking, I roll my eyes in annoyance.

The sudden fear paralyzes me. What if they find me? What will they do? He heard stories, so do that disobey--

I shake myself, stepping cautiously like a shaken rabbit, into the cold evening outside, looking around Maybe waiting for someone to tell me to go back. There is no one.

I see the dark forest that rested in front of me, separated by a mere rusted fence. Somehow I don't stumble as take my first step, I take a long breath and run freely.

But more like jogging, his legs and bruised legs are more busy trying to stop the pain. Hours past, and maybe he'll be fine, maybe he'll be free from whatever is out behind him.

The trees around me became a blur as I ran until I stumble into a stream. It wasn't deep enough for me to drown, but it was enough to hide my scent for a few meters.

I start to shift, the bone cracking was nothing new as the people in my pack would break them every day. The pain shot through me but it was alright, nothing he hasn't experienced,  I hold down a scream.

Soon a reflection of a white wolf states down on me. I bite down on my backpack and start to leave the territory. The holes start to die down as I run faster, and faster. I look up to see the stars gaze down on me, the cool night breeze was calming.

I jumped up in happiness. Once in my life of pain, that I'm truly free.




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