My Boy

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"My Boy," said the father to his son,

  “Today is a day of great joy.

One which will ne’er be forgot.

  For today is the turning of the sod

From Boyhood

  To Manhood.

That handful of soil

  Is but the first step.

The rest not done that fast,

  Nor that simple.

The soil must be cultivated,

  Then watered and fertilized.

Not just at first, but always,

  Or the soil will not remain fertile

Nor will the crops grow.


  This all takes time.

But not the time

  By the watch on your wrist,

Nor the calendar on the wall,

  But the time within yourself.

The watch and the calendar

  Tell only the passing of time.

You see it with your eyes.

  But the time within, you feel.

With ev’ry beat of your heart,

  Ev’ry drop of your blood,

Ev’ry bead of your sweat

  And ev’ry tear that falls.

When you finally realize

  That what you have done

Holds half of you, holds half of you, Martin,

  Then the major task is done.

Now, before I end this advice to you,

Let me say that, the ‘Road of Life’ is long,

  And your steps not always sure.

Then the advice of a friend

  May sometimes help

To set you back on your path.

  And on your way, fail not to remember

That friend that set you right. ”

Then with that,

  The father took his son’s hand

And with a look of reassurance,


    “Best of Luck!”

S. Bernard Slepkov 1970-2013

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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