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Ok so this isn't the ACTUAL story. It's a teaser. The real thing isn't finished yet. Hope you enjoy!

The night was dark and the air was cold. The road she walked on was long and wide. The wind whipped Mackenzie's dark hair around her head. "What are you doing out here alone, friend?" a voice from behind her sneered. She spun around to find herself face to face with something that could possibly be called human. She stepped back to get a better look at the thing. It's skin was a sickly brown colour. It's eyes glowed bright red. Well, it's eye. There was a horrible gash where it's right eye should have been.

"What do you want?" Mackenzie demanded, pulling her knife from her pocket.

"You." the thing lunged for her. It's long, dirty nails were dragged painfully across her arm. Mackenzie screamed. "What do you want me for?" Mackenzie asked, swinging her knife at it.

"The Mistress wants you. Wants to torture you! Mistress Natasha Wants you in pain!" Mackenzie's eyes widened slightly at this. Natasha had things working for her? What else could she be up to? Where is she?

The thing dragged its nails across her leg. She gasped and swung blindly, hitting it in the arm.

"Where does she want me?" she dodged a punch.

"In her mountain. Her big, big mountain."

"Mountain?" she hit it in the arm again.

"Yes, yes. Her mountain in the west." The cogs and wheels in Mackenzie's started to spin. She grinned, "Thank you, uh, what's your name?"

"I have no name."

"Thank you, I have no name, that's all the information I need." She drove her knee into its skull and left its unconscious body on the road side.

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