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- Scenes are a must. If you send "hi", "hello", "can I speak to..", or "*bumps into you*" you will not get a response. The ooa will automatically block you.

- If you message the ooa asking to roleplay that's fine. But if you message them first then you're to start the scene! Don't ask "can you start?" When you're the one who wanted to roleplay in the first place.

- No text talk, emojis, etc. the only time this is allowed in pms is talking via ooa or texting within the roleplay. Any other use of this will automatically result in you being blocked

- No spam. Spamming will get you blocked. There is only one male ooa who runs this account. Also due to the male ooa being gay, most of the characters will be gay.

- Just because the ooa is online does not mean that messages are being answered. If the ooa is answering you- they are answering everyone. If the ooa isn't answering you- the ooa isn't answering anyone.

☁️ single
✨ talking
⛅️ taken

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