Walking Out of The Void (1)

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"As far as my eyes can see, the vast and green valley is now nothing but a wasteland. No laughter can be heard and no joy can be seen. What's left is the void in the heart, waiting to be filled with sorrow"

When representatives of the most powerful countries unite together in a meeting room, their faces show kindness and eagerness to form peace between countries but their true intention hides beneath their faces. Their heart cannot lie. When they reach the top, they work their hardest to stand at the pinnacle, holding up the throne until no one could ever take it back.

Greed is a part of human nature and it will always be with us, but essentially, it is also something that makes humans strong and fuel for shaping dreams. The desire and passion to be strong and even stronger help humans to evolve, surpassing their old selves and others that they seek to outfight. Year by year, decade by decade and century by century following human civilization, it is partly the work of greed that humans managed to advance, continuously satisfying their desire for power.

As glorious it can be to have that inside of us, It is actually a double-edged sword.

Massive destruction & societal collapse. That's what happened to our beloved earth. The great war or what everyone knew as World War 3, involving many greatest nations in the world, has broke out. Ignisia, Arcus, Astrum, & Aethereus, those nations played the main roles in this era, were also responsible for the death of billions of human lives. Not only did the war kill thousands of human lives but it also caused instability to the world system and the environment itself. 

Vayne, an 18-year-old boy who just became an orphan, was a survivor of the great war that just broke out on Earth. He stood tall about 5.7 feet, which was an average tall for his age. Dark and greyish spiky hair, uncovering his gloomy face, his natural look was uncommon to people around there.  

His clothes were all worn-out, probably the last left to him. A very long sleeved, animal skin jacket covered him to just below his groin and was barely tied with string at the top left side. The sleeves of his jacket were wide and reached down to well below his wrists, they're decorated with a single thread lining at the sleeve ends. His pants were simple and wide and reached down to his bound cloth boots. The boots were made from a pretty unique cloth, self-made by his mother, but were otherwise a common type.  

Vayne lived in a small town that had now turned into a dead town called Alfordsville, it was a town located in the south of the famous capital city, widely known as Rossendale.  Living in a land where no one cared about, he held a deep sympathy to where he belonged. Nonetheless, he had no power nor any resources to make changes.

Being a teenager, he wasn't ready to journey this world alone without his parents, he was still a very dependent individual on his parents. After the war broke out, just like how others were feeling, he was also feeling lonely and empty inside. He lost his parents and home due to the great war. His parents always taught him to be strong, but it was something that he couldn't easily believe on since their family was never strong to begin with, living in poverty every day and couldn't stand on their feet when getting persecuted by others is a kind of living that nobody ever wished for.

He was deeply loved by his parents, which made him seem to be a spoiled kid but the moment he was left by his parents, he realized that he couldn't stay living in the situation like this, the feeling of loneliness would consume him, leaving him in desperation but then, this was the moment when his father's words gave a nice ring to his ears. He remembered about his father and something that his father has taught him :

"Son, be strong and do not falter. No matter what situation you are put into, you must always walk forward and move on. Before you can stand up for others, you must beat the darkness within you"

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