The Secret Only For You ~ Louis Tomlinson

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"Next song How Ya Doin by Little Mix comming on shortly after this break" said the radio station guy. As I was driving down to the local Radio Shack. Thats where I work. I live in Doncaster. Its a small town but I like it here. Im 17 almost 18 years old.

I walk up to the door and unlock it then walk inside. I sit behind the counter waiting for someone to come in. Soon the familiar bell that i know rings and I look up and see a guy maybe 18.If not hes definitely almost 18. But theres no way hes older than 18. He was cute! He had light brown hair, hr was maybe 5''8 or 5''9. Je jad slight muscles, but still enough even I wouldnt want to get in a fight with gim. Wait why am I thinking this? I dont care. He looks like a punk.

"Welcome to Radio Shack. Where everything here is about the newest, hottest music today. If there Iis anything I can do to help you, then please just ask." I say. Were made to say that. Honestly I didn't want to help this dude what so ever. He just smirks and winks at me. ULCK!! DISCUSTING MUCH!! I thought. He walked up to the counter holding my favorite album of all time. 21 by Adele

"You like her?" He asked. He appearantly saw me ooing over it. I blushed a little I love her.

"Like? I love her! My mum used to sing Rolling In The Deep to me as I would try to fall asleep when I was little." I said. I felt like crying now. He looked confused.

"Why doesn't she anymore? That sounds l like a wonderful tradition. I woyldnt want it to stop." He said. Hmm... maybe hes not so bad he seems caring.

"My mum died in a car crash when I was 11. Some dude was drunk and just ran right into her." I mumbled. I doubt he heard.

"Im so sorry to hear that." He said I was wrong. He heard.

"Its ok. The past is the past. And theres nothing I can do to change it." I said. Its dissapionting byt true.

"Do you have the album?" He asked. Alright he mighr have been being sweet earlier bytcwhy would he want to know that?

"No. My mum had it when she was in the crash and it burned. Ive been wanting it terribly bad but I havent had thr money to get it." I said

"Who do you lice with?" He asked. Again whats with the whole personal stuff?

"I live on my own. M my dad left my mum when he found out she was pregnant with me. Tjen after my mum died I lived with my grandmum until I was about 17. Well technically imcstill 17 its just im about CCC to turn 18. But whatever a few months ago she also died. Now I live on my own.

"Wow. Im so sorry." He said

'Its fine. ... so you want the album?" I asked. He nodded

"That'll be 14.76." I said he handed over the money and I put it in the cash register.

"Do you want it in a bag?" I asked him.

"No. That wont be nessecary.' He said as I handed him the change. Then je handed me the album.

"Im confused. Why are you giving this to me? You just payed for it. Its yours now. You know that right?" I said

"Of course I know that. You said you didnt have it but you wanted it. So here I bought it for you." Okay this guy is officailly sweet.

"No. I couldn't take this. You payed for it you keep it." I said. I honestly could not take it. I just met him. Its a nife offer but I couldnt.

"Fine." He said he looked a little mad or maybe its dissapiontment. Im not sure. He pulled out a pen as he was walking away and scribbled something. Okay this guy is ginna be stuck in my mind for weeks now.

*a few hours later*

"Alright my shift is over see ya. Bye" I said to my boss Bryan.

"Okay. Bye" he replied. I picked up my bag and mm oticed something in it. I pullex it out. It was 21 by Adele. The album. Wtritten on it wss a number then signed by "-Lou ;)". The guy from earlier. Okay he is so sweet. But wait. I told him I wouldnt take it. Grr. Thats why he put it in my bag. Im gonna call him tonight... only to yell at him though.... not cause I like hime or anything like that... YOU HEAR ME I SAID I DONT LIKE HIM OKAY!!!!! Why am I yelling at myself insiee my head?! Omg maybe I do? Do I? Do I fancy this "Lou" guy?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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The Secret Only For You ~ Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now