We're Not Broken Just Bent

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Josie's POV

He is so cute like he really talked to me today OMG!! No I can not be falling for Marcus, but he is so cute. I think I might tell Abby and Zhane'.


Me: OMG y'all I think I lik Marcus

Abby/Zhane': Omg

Zhane': I am go set y'all up

Me: yessss gtg y'all thx


ok I am going to my locker I hope

Zhane' asked Marcus. "Josie he said yes!" "What are talking about?" "Marcus said he would go out with you!" "OMG!" I said excitdly "Well I'll talk to you later I have to get my things out of my locker." "See ya. Thanks"

Wait Ms.Pappy just heard all of me and Zhane' convo. I am so nervous today we have science together I can't wait to see him I think I might throw up. Damn what is my locker combination let me try 36,26,19 no 26,36,18 yes I got it. While I walked down the hallway people keep on asking if me and Marcus. I replied back with "I don't know" and "yes".

While I say in my seat and waited for Marcus to come, I got even more nervous and started sweating. I looked over my shoulder and saw Marcus and Nadiyah walking over over. Marcus greeted me with a warm smile and I returned one back. "So, y'all go out now?" Nadiyah interrupted the silence. I looked at Marcus for an answer, but he did not say anything back. I was very hurt and I just shrugged at her.

Me and Marcus did not say much to each other that day. I knew we were not going to see each other on till Friday, or Monday because I was going on a over night trip. He asked for my kik before we went to 5th period, that way we could text while i was not at school. I steel was not sure if we were together or not.

Once I got home I got on kik and texted Zhane' and Abby.


Me: r u sure dat me n Marcus go out

Zhane': yes he said that

Me: o ok

Zhane': I am going to add u into a conve wit him n me n Abby

Me: ok


Marcus: hey Josie

Me:hey marquisha wud

Marcus/Zhane/Abby: lol

Marcus: non on ig some girl just posted a pic of me and some other boys and asked who was the hottest

Josie: wow day asses thirsty

Marcus/Zhane/Abby: lol ikr

Zhane': how u go say dat infringing of yo gf

Me/Marcus: ummm

Me: so wyd Abby n Zhane'

Abby: Netflix

Zhane': non

Me: well gn got 2 pak 4 da trip

Marcus/Zhane'/Abby: bye

Me: wat i tell y'all bout saying bye just say c u later

Marcus: lol c ya

Me: c ya on Friday or Monday

Marcus: k

OMG I am going to miss him so bad. I don't know what I am going to do cause we aren't go have connection. Come on just get some sleep.

Early Thursday Morning

"Ok, love you too mommy see ya." "Heyyyy Josie" I turned around and it was Diovanni. "Hey boo" "So this is your twin you always talk about?" her dad asked "Yes" we both answered and smiled. "Well ok I am go get you two signed in" her dad said. "ok" daddy "Omg D Marcus and I might be going out but I don't yet". "O. Did Zhane' set you two up?" "Yes" I said with a smile on my face.

"Awwww" she cued. "lol" I replied. "Ok it's time to get on the bus but first y'all need to put y'all bags under the bus" Ms.Jones said.

D's dad asked us to stand in front of the bus to take pictures before we left. "Ok smile on 1.2.3" he ordered. There was a big flash. "Ok ladies have a nice trip he gave us a hug" he said. "Ok, love you" we replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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