Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction) Year 5

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AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!<333333333333333333333333333333333

Props to ImJustYourShadow for giving me a fantastic idea!


Dear Ginny,

I'm getting married!

Write me back ASAP!



Dear Ron,

Draco proposed!

Write me back soon,



Dear Hermione,

I'm engaged!

He proposed a few weeks ago.

See you soon,



Dear Adrian,

Draco proposed!!!

I'm so happy!

Write me back for deets ASAP!!!



Dear Harry,

I don't know if mum and dad told you.

And I don't know if you want to hear.

But I want to tell you.

I'm marrying Draco.

Love you so much,



Dear Em,


Why did you take so long to write about this!!!

I'm so super excited!!!

We've got so much to plan...

We'll talk about it at the end of summer!

Love the super excited,

Ginny Weasley


Dear Emma,

Ginny barged into my room at three in the morning when your owl arrived, screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping up and down.

Thank you for that wake up call. :)

I'm so happy for you, send Draco my blessing.

See you at the end of summer,

Ron Weasley


Dear Em,


I'm completley estatic for you!

I simply cannot wait until the wedding it will be so much fun.

Send Draco my blessing, and stay pure!

See you and Draco at the end of summer,

Hermione Granger


Dear Em,

No way!

That's so exciting!

I cannot wait for the engagement party!

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